League of Legends: The champions that counter Yone the best


In League of Legends 10.16, Riot has released Yone – a champion with great attack and control power. Yone’s strength is undeniable, but with the following champions, players can completely repress Yone’s power, or even finish before he can understand what happens.


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League of Legends: The champions that counter Yone the best

1. Talon

Topping the list of generals with strong counter abilities Yone must mention Talon. Without a doubt, at Diamond or above, Talon’s win rate over Yone is very high.


The reason Talon has the ability to counter Yone is because he has the ability to accumulate extremely strong damage, combined with stealth from his ultimate, Yone will not turn back or run away. Yone has a lot of damage, but his resistance is very little, only a little armor from his W when hitting an enemy champion cannot protect him from shock assassins like Talon.

Equip should be up: Equipped with force.

2. Zed

Like Talon, Zed is an assassin with powerful burst damage that will be a fearsome opponent of Yone.

Khac che Yone LOL Zed - Emergenceingame

In addition to killing enemies quickly, when Zed is with Yone he can also use clones to manipulate or dodge extremely annoying. And of course Yone will be a good prey for this god of death if not careful.

Equipment should be up: Equipped with force.

3. Pantheon

Although Pantheon does not have the ability to put damage to finish Yone like the two generals above, but he possesses the stamina of a gladiator.


Not to mention that Pantheon’s E skill has the ability to block all damage coming from the position in front of him, which also causes discomfort for Yone. In addition, Pantheon also has a very strong stun and ultimate ability to chase Yone.

Equipment should be up: Equipped with power + Resisting equipment.

4. Lucian

The next champion on the list with the ability to “cast on” Yone is 1 AD – Lucian. This black guy is already very famous as a gunner, in recent meta many players have used mid and successfully. High damage, long range, good texture and especially the ability to dash to keep distance and dodge will help Lucian easily overwhelm Yone.


Equipment should be up: Critical damage.

5. Yasuo

And last on the list is none other than Yasuo. If those who are interested in the plot of these two brothers, they will know that, in the battle of life and death, Yasuo ended his brother Yone. And it doesn’t make sense that when Yone returned to the human world, Yasuo would be inferior.


Although he shares a passive ability that doubles his stats, Yasuo has an extra shield while Yone doesn’t. Therefore, in the early game, Yone will be completely at a disadvantage against Yasuo. Take advantage of this, try to crush your opponent before he can get strong.

Equipment should be up: Critical + resist.

Above is a list of the generals that have the best ability to counter Yone. In addition, players can also build up equipment, especially Ice shield to deal with Yone. If you want to learn more about Yone, please refer to the article How to Play Yone.

Source link: League of Legends: The champions that counter Yone the best
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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