League of Legends: How to counter Senna?


Senna is a very popular champion in League of Legends. With her mobility, the ability to manipulate from a distance and cause a very strong dame, Senna really made the enemy team shake their heads in frustration.. However, this girl is not without a way to deal with it. Let Download.vn explore ways to counter Senna in League of Legends.


Ways to counter Senna in League of Legends

1. Countering Senna with Chess

One of Senna’s strengths is her ability to hide in black mist with her E: Curse of Black Mist. If you notice it, this is a skill quite similar to Akali’s Smoke Bomb, but works for your allies; however, it cannot be hidden if the enemy is close like a Smoke Bomb. And taking advantage of that weakness, we have the following champions that are able to counter Senna very well both in the laning phase and teamfights:

  • The Assassins with hard control: Leona, Blitzcrank, Alistar, Nautilus.

These are tank champions that possess extremely annoying crowd control and control skills. Blitzcrank, Nautilus with Q pull Senna or enemy hero out of the black mist. Leona, Alistar with very strong close, resisting and stun skills.

Leona - One of the champions that counter Senna is very strong
Leona – One of the champions that counter Senna is very strong
  • The gladiator generals capable of approaching and dealing great damage: Riven, Jax, Renekton.
    If you encounter a top Senna, do not hesitate to pick melee fighters like above. Senna’s power to oppose, control and inflict great dame, whether it be Senna or any weak ranged champion, must be afraid.
  • Champions with prowling and remote control skills: Zyra, Morgana, Lux, Brand.
    Simply tie, lock, spam skills. Senna with her meager health will have a hard time sticking to Lane and gathering passive. Thereby, this girl’s strength will be greatly reduced.
Zyra - The general has a very good ability to pry from afar
Zyra – The general has a very good ability to pry from afar
  • Assassins with strong shockdame ability: Zed, Evelynn, Rengar, Kha’zix.
    Despite her high damage and mobility, Senna still only possesses quite a thin amount of health, like a normal AD. So the assassins mentioned above, if they have all the necessary items, will be able to finish off Senna in just 1 combo!

2. Craft Senna with Item

Senna’s abilities all deal physical damage, although it adds additional magic power to Senna’s Q and R. Based on that, we’ll be prioritizing items that add Armor and Health.

Khien bang 1 - EmergenceingameRanduin Ice Shield: Senna has a pretty strong passive, the more you hit the harder. Her crit and damage rate will increase with the number of souls gathered. As a result, Randuin Ice Shield with critical damage reduction, plus plenty of armor and health is an ideal choice against a high damage Senna.

Giap liet si - EmergenceingameVinh quang chan chinh - EmergenceingameMartyrs armor, true glory: These are 2 armor items that can speed up the generals, making the ability to press Senna more easily. In addition to their quick access, they also provide an additional control skill (slow down) that makes it difficult for Senna to escape.

3. Tips for countering Senna

When playing against Senna, you will need the following tips to keep her from being able to use her powers:

  • Trying to poke when this girl is collecting souls from within. It takes Senna a basic hit to collect the spirit of mist, so this is your chance to use your skills and heal, and put Senna in a passive position with always low HP.
  • Don’t let Senna stick to the lane for too long. This is why you should choose generals that are capable of constantly spamming skills. Because the more dew spirits she could gather, the stronger Senna was. So the best way is to get her to step back or go back to constant healing. If Senna does not have a certain amount of souls in the mid game, Senna’s shots will not damage you much.
  • Note that when Senna loses her E skill, she has nothing to protect herself, don’t be afraid to attack and exchange her skills and if given the chance, finish her as soon as possible (remember Note the speed of Senna as well).
  • Move and dodge skills. Senna has only one CC skill, W: Constraint, and this ability has a fairly slow flight speed, and is completely dodged. Also, her ultimate, despite having a map-wide range, is easy to miss; So, being constantly on the move and paying attention to dodge the skills will help you survive against Senna.
Senna's ultimate
Senna’s ultimate

Hopefully, through the article, you have gained more experience to counter Senna, the general who is making a storm in League of Legends. Hello and see you in the next articles in the series “How to counter“On Download.com.vn.

Source link: League of Legends: How to counter Senna?
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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