League of Legends: Faker “must” hold Sett in the Finals, T1 lost bitterly to an underrated opponent

gamehub.vn faker phai cam sett 3 - Emergenceingame

T1 had to receive an unexpected defeat first Afreeca Freecs (AFs) in the first leg of the round Playoffs LCK Summer 2020. A failure can make them former kings, and also make ambition to join Worlds of T1 becomes even more remote.


It is worth mentioning, Afreeca has never been evaluated as a strong enough competitor to T1 whether in the past or present. The proof is that before coming to the disastrous 3rd game, T1 had an easy victory in game 2 with Twisted Fate at the hands of “Demon King” Faker.

But most importantly, it was the extremely confusing pick/ban in game 3 – the last game that made T1 suffer a painful defeat. It has become a much discussed topic in community Esports. Many people are also starting to believe that there is really something shady when Faker constantly has to hold positions generals not suitable.


Not only giving Faker a very “prison” champion, Sett, T1’s lineup in game 3 also included Renekton – Karthus – Senna – Tahm Kench. An inflexible squad, lacking early game damage, unable to win lane, and no DPS champion late game.

If it’s Sett in the hands of Effort or even Canna, we can understand it, but the problem is that it is in the hands of Faker – who has never played Sett in the past. professional match before. He even had to go up against Zoe, who is not only more versatile but also a master at mid lane poke.

Majority Community Network Han thinks that these are disastrous picks/bans that are directly pushing T1 into the abyss. T1’s dream of coming to Worlds is getting harder and harder to reach.

Source link: League of Legends: Faker “must” hold Sett in the Finals, T1 lost bitterly to an underrated opponent
– Emergenceingames.com

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