League of Legends: 5 champions you should pay attention to in the early stages of season 8

League of Legends: 5 champions you should pay attention to in the early stages of season 8

Season 8 of League of Legends has officially started on January 16, all players’ ranks will be returned to the starting position, and everyone will continue their quest to rank up, and on the 20th. January, LCS NA will officially kick off with the opening match of Team Liquid and TSM.

During the pre-season, there were a lot of changes that were tweaked by Riot. Those changes have had a huge impact on the game’s meta, as well as the professional arena, and ranked players, forcing them to adopt different strategies to win. And most importantly, the strongest champions have changed since the Recombination gem was released, bringing even more new playstyles and abilities to champions.

Although there are now quite a few champions returning to the Justice League, we still can’t be sure who is the strongest in League of Legends until the pros bring them in. competition.

After a while of researching the stats of the champions like their win rate, pick and ban rate, etc., we can give you 5 champions that we think will be effective in matches. your upcoming ratings.

1. Alistar

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After suffering a lot of nerfs in patch 7.21, the Hot Luu Huong meta has disappeared, and it’s not difficult to find a new support champion that will take the throne instead. If it is not the guardian generals, then it will definitely be the champions who open the fight to the throne, such as Thresh, Leona or Rakan.

And the champion we chose this time is Alistar. Alistar currently has an impressive win rate compared to other peers on OP.gg. The crowd control is superfluous, and it’s now even more powerful with runes that provide extra cooldown, which Alistar desperately needs. And most of all, this general also interacts very well with the Aftershock auxiliary gem. Alistar’s passive also makes laning as well as supporting his ADC quite well during the laning phase. This bull can withstand very well, lock important targets, heal, as well as deal a fair amount of damage.

When the new season is coming, this bull will certainly be used a lot in the professional arena.


2. Gangplank

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This skilled pirate has been sidelined for quite some time this past year, but now he’s back, with the help of a new rune system. The last time he appeared in the pro scene was in 2016, he played in 285 games, according to Mobalytics stats. In 2017, he only appeared 43 times, which means that it takes a miracle to bring him back to the meta this time, and the Recombination gem is that miracle.

Now he is everywhere. Gangplank is currently the champion with the highest pick rate for top lane, and a lot of pros are starting to use this card again like C9’s Eric “Licorice” Ritchie or Jung “Impact” Eon- yong of TL.

Gangplank’s strong comeback this time around is largely due to the power of Thief’s rune, which gave him a huge amount of power and resources during the laning phase, allowing him to have a more comfortable laning phase. most other generals. The laning phase is Gangplank’s biggest weakness, and the Thieves rune helps him eliminate some of that weakness.

3. Tristana

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Among the ADCs that have been played a lot in recent times, Tristana is not exactly as highly rated as Vayne, Kalista, Twitch or even Kog’Maw. Tristana no longer deals as much damage in the early stages as before, but this doesn’t seem to stop professional marksmen from continuing to trust this Yordle champion.

Thanks to the Relic Shield and Auxiliary Healer combo, she can have a fairly safe laning phase compared to other hyper-carry AD carry champions until she has enough gear. Players like Sneaky or Cody Sun have been using this champion quite a lot in the past week, and it has been shown that they will bring this card into professional matches.

There are 2 main reasons for this, Although she may no longer deal as much damage in the early game as before like Twitch, Kog’Maw or other AD carry, she has A certain mobility, and has a longer range than most other snipers. These factors allow her to survive longer in teamfights and optimize the amount of damage she can deal.

Vayne, on the other hand, is being used a lot lately and will definitely be a counterweight to Tristana in the professional arena. Simply because her damage output cannot be underestimated, and her ability to stay in teamfights with the auxiliary Heal buff is just too annoying. Jinx is also gradually regaining her position in the arena of justice, and please look forward to her return to the professional arena.


4. Taliyah

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Taliyah is a very hot champion in the pre-season, and she is still doing quite well in her role as a mid lane mage. The poke ability is relatively stable and even stronger with the Burning buff. Like other controlling mage champions, she’s an ideal choice for pro players.

We’ve seen her power in the final stages of Worlds 2017 and she’ll definitely still be used a lot in the beginning of season 8. Along with Ryze, she is being trained by many famous mid laners in their last 20 games. Similar to Tristana’s case, she doesn’t seem to be trusted too much in the lower ranks and is only really effective in the higher ranks.

Xerath, Malzahar, and Anivia are holding the mid lane of the recent ranked matches, but Taliyah is also a notable champion when her win rate is second to none. Of the above 4 magicians, I believe Taliyah will still be used for a long time.


5. Shyvana

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The last champion on our list looks a bit strange, since she’s been absent from the pro scene for so long. But thanks to the Ready to Strike gem, her ability to stack damage with Twin Dragon Hand (Q) makes her extremely formidable. With the new power of the Recombination rune, she can build a tank but still deal an amount of damage that can’t be underestimated.

It’s hard to imagine what it would be like if Shyvana was brought back to the pro scene, especially since the champions picked by recent players are usually at their peak strength in the early stages. late game, and Shyvana is of course one of them. The longer the game drags on, the more she proves her superior strength. Fortunately, recent matches usually only last 30 minutes, which also limits Shyvana’s power somewhat.

In addition, many professional junglers are also using her a lot in their matches, such as Mike Yeung, Reignover or OmarGod. This equates to nothing wrong with saying that we are about to see an “all-dragon” LCS NA.

Source link: League of Legends: 5 champions you should pay attention to in the early stages of season 8
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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