League of Legends 10.15: Too much network feed will be locked for 14 days

gamehub.vn feed mang bi khoa acc 14 ngay 3 - Emergenceingame

Phenomena like play games toxic, young buffalo, break the game in various forms seem to be increasingly common in League of Legends. It’s because the community hates it so much that in the past few months Riot There are new moves in improving penalty system mine.

The first is permission gamer maybe denounceblock player chat right from the moment of banning to prevent unnecessary quarrels early.

Recently, Mark Yetter, head of the design team Leaguethe notification that the system detects bad behavior will be made tighter, penalize heavier than before. With behavior feed too much, Riot will rely on KDA of 1 player in many matches to decide whether to deal punish or not.


If before, you needed to reach an index of 0/100 to be identified by the system as breaking the game, then in the upcoming 10.15, the number will be 0/75. Of course Riot wouldn’t want to lock account Just because some games play numb, but if you feed continuously and a lot, the ban is worth it. The penalty for overfeeding will be a 14-day account lockout.


For action AFKRiot will upgrade this behavior detection to a higher level than penalizing those who give generals run around and have no effect on the game. The first level of penalty is that when a player leaves the match without reconnecting, they will automatically lose the match. At a higher penalty, the more AFK, the longer it takes to find a match.

Source link: League of Legends 10.15: Too much network feed will be locked for 14 days
– Emergenceingames.com

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