Introducing the Chess system in Total War: Three Kingdoms

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Total War: Three Kingdoms is a super product of the Three Kingdoms game that is making waves on the game charts around the world.

Not only extremely large, but Total War: Three Kingdoms also has a very impressive graphics background and this is also the most beautiful and authentic product among the games of the same genre. And to be able Total War: Three Kingdoms The best way, of course, is that we will need to understand the game, the character system, especially the list of generals of the game.

Total War: Three Kingdoms

General characteristics in Total War: Three Kingdoms

The general system in Total War: Three Kingdoms in particular and action games in general have great power of these generals enough to “balance the team” alone, deciding to win or lose a battle.

  • Each hero will hold and control a certain number of soldiers (default is 6 teams).
  • Troops in Total War: Three Kingdoms cannot move without a Commanding General (unless the commander is injured).
  • Troops will always follow the general. This is quite important and is also one of the unique features only available in Total War: Three Kingdoms, that is, if you win an enemy hero, all the soldiers under that hero will also be. your.
  • Unless the commander is killed, the troops in that army will never be completely destroyed. No matter how much the impact is smashed, it will automatically recover.
  • For each general in Total War: Three Kingdoms, you will be buying a special soldier. These soldiers are different and are not related to the faction you choose.
  • Special attacks will affect the entire number of troops a champion is in command of, no matter where they stand on the battlefield.

General system in Total War Three Kingdoms
Classification of generals in Total War: Three Kingdoms according to the five elements

General system in Total War: Three Kingdoms

General in the strategy game Total War: Three Kingdoms is divided into 5 main classes: Kim – Moc – Thuy – Fire – Earth (The DLC Yellow Turban Rebellion will have 3 more classes, but mainly in these 5 main classes). These groups are classified according to colors representing the specific five elements as follows:

  • Sentinel Group (Needle) – Gray

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Sentinel – Group of support and defense generals in Total War: Three Kingdoms

This group of generals is mainly is more defensive and supportive in combat in a small area. Sentinel-class generals have the common feature of having extremely high HP, many additional skills for survival, and being almost invincible, unless the enemy is too crowded and dangerous.

  • Group Champion (Wood) – Green:

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Champion – The group of “War Gods” in Total War: Three Kingdoms

True to its name, the Champion group’s character system is real War Gods. They are champions in solo performances, duels.

They have high morale, health, and damage stats, as well as all-elemental skills in single-target damage that can take down the opposing champion as quickly as possible.

  • Strategist group (Thuy):

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Strategist – The unique group of generals in Total War: Three Kingdoms

Despite being a champion, but completely different from the other 4 classes, Strategist is the only group that cannot fight hand-to-hand. Because in essence, if considered in the game, these are all “bureaucrats”, their main jobs and abilities are military engineers, strategy and constitutional.

That is why the Strategist’s index system is extremely “corny” (low morale, low health, poor damage rate). But to make up for this shortcoming, the “mo fan” can provide great support for archers. The reason is that, only the Strategist is a group of generals capable of giving troops new skills (such as fire archery, setting up spears), and at the same time, Strategists also have the ability to debuff enemies extremely effectively. .

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Vanguard – A group of tactical generals in Total War: Three Kingdoms

If Champion is the duel champions, then you can consider Vanguard as the champion of killing soldiers. Because the Vanguard generals were created not for confrontation, but to serve … guerilla, gossip or rather a tactical general. These generals are most powerful when they command the cavalry and rush into the enemy’s rear to harass, surprise, and destroy the main enemy force.

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Commander – The traditional group of generals in Total War: Three Kingdoms

Everything is average, not quite outstanding in any aspect, Commander is the most traditional form of this role-playing game series.

Commanders are not very strong and are inclined to use support skills (increase the strength of soldiers), but they also have tremendous buffing ability, can increase up to 100% defense ability (armor or dodge) over an extremely wide area. In many cases, these champions can also be used as a Champion.

Some generals in Total War: Three Kingdoms according to par



Huang Zhong – Hoang Trung Sentinel Kim Gray
Sun Jian – Ton Kien Sentinel Kim Gray
Zhang Liao – Zhang Liao Sentinel Kim Gray
Zhao Yun – Zhao Yun Sentinel Kim Gray
Yue Jin – Nhac Tien Sentinel Kim Gray
Guan Yu – Guan Yu Champion Carpentry Green
Xiahou Dun – Xiahou Don Champion Carpentry Green
Dian Wei – Dien Vi Champion Carpentry Green
Xu Chu – Hua Chu Champion Carpentry Green
Zhang Yan – Zhang Yang Champion Carpentry Green
Zhuge Liang – Zhuge Liang Strategist Thuy Lam
Tao Qian – Cao Khiem Strategist Thuy Lam
Zhou Yu – Zhou Yu Strategist Thuy Lam
Kong Rong – Kong Rong Strategist Thuy Lam
Sima Yi – Sima Yi Strategist Thuy Lam
Gan Ning – Cam Ninh Vanguard Fire Red
Zhang Fei – Zhang Fei Vanguard Fire Red
Dong Zhuo – Dong Zhuo Vanguard Fire Red
Lu bu – Lu Bu Vanguard Fire Red
Ma Teng – Ma Dang Vanguard Fire Red
Liu Bei – Liu Bei Commander Tho Yellow
Liu Biao – Liu Biao Commander Tho Yellow
Yuan Shao – Yuan Shao Commander Tho Yellow
Sun Quan – Ton Quyen Commander Tho Yellow
Cao Cao – Cao Cao Commander Tho Yellow

Due to the character system and generals of Total War: Three Kingdoms quite a lot, the article only lists examples of a few main generals for players to easily imagine.

Strategist – Strategist:

Defense group – Sentinel:

Group “War God” – Champion:

Commander super group “buff” – Commander:

Vanguard – Vanguard:

Source link: Introducing the Chess system in Total War: Three Kingdoms

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