Instructions to clean the computer screen properly

Instructions to clean the computer screen properly

Dirt, fingerprints will not harm screen computer, but it will certainly distract you when playing games.

Many people think screen cleaning is pretty easy, and this is true. But the process is a little more complicated than just using a shirt or newspaper to wipe it. Here are the do’s and don’ts:

How not to break the screen

Before we get started, let’s go over a few mistakes that you might regret.

First, avoid corrosive materials! That means no alcohol or similar solutions. These solutions may damage screen due to loss of anti-glare coating, creating cloudiness or worse. The display now doesn’t even use a light bulb in the screen CRTs too, but they also become more sensitive.

clean the screen

Moving on, be careful with the materials you use to clean. Paper towels seem like a great idea, but they can be abrasive screen. Meanwhile, the shirt, or rag may have sand or metal grit – which can easily be scratched screen.

Finally, never spray cleaning solution directly onto the screen. Too much solution can cause them to accumulate in the corner screenget through the openings and damage the fragile materials inside.

Instructions for cleaning the computer screen

For simple dirt, use a compressed air dryer, and then dry again.

As for materials, use microfiber towels. Microfiber is extremely soft and absorbs dust and oil well. More importantly, it doesn’t damage screen.

Of course, make sure the towel is clean before wiping. One grain of sand can ruin screen more than you think. Depending on your surroundings, you can use the towel for weeks, or have to change it after a few uses.

clean the screen

If you want to increase the cleaning ability, soak a little clean water (don’t use dirty water to avoid damage), but don’t add too much water to make them mess. Remember, we don’t want any liquid to flow down screen and deposited at the edges and edges of the screen. If water is not enough, make a solution of 50% water, 50% vinegar. As mentioned above – soak into the towel, not spray directly on screen.

When screen cleaning, avoid wiping in circles or pressing hard on one spot. Instead, gently push and wipe from left to right or top to bottom. It sounds simple, but with screen In this sensitive situation, it is better to be careful than to act hard and pay a heavy price. Wish you have a screen Shiny and stain free!

Source: PCgamer

Source link: Instructions to clean the computer screen properly

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