Instructions on how to play Gibraltar in Apex Legends

Gibraltar Apex Legends 6 - Emergenceingame

Gibraltar is considered to be the largest and strongest character in the action game Apex Legends. He has all the skills to fight on the front lines and standard negative aiming. Therefore, everyone benefits if they are on the same team as Gibraltar.

Sounds great, doesn’t it? However, if you want to master Gibraltar, you need to take some time to learn and get acquainted. This article will guide you and your survival teammates with your skills Gibraltar from Apex Legends.

How to play Gibraltar in Apex Legends

Passive – Gun Shield

When shooting in the “Aim Down Sight” style like PUBG Mobile, Gibraltar will erect a small shield.

It takes the player a bit of time to deploy this shield, so if you are behind some shield, you should aim at long range first, waiting for the shield to be erected. Then your safety will reach almost maximum.

Gun Shield is only easily destroyed before needing to be recharged. Therefore, keep an eye on your shield’s health so that it never goes down suddenly and you can prepare for other combat methods.

Tactical ability – Dome of Protection

Gibraltar has the ability to create a large shield arch that effectively blocks attacks. This shield lasts 15 seconds, giving players time to heal, recharge, and even survive the storm of bullets of Bangalore or other Gibraltar.

Gibraltar’s barrier can protect both inside and outside. If you are in a narrow position, throw the arch between you and the enemy to create a wall of separation or cover the enemy’s head to distract them.

Ultimate Ability: Defensive Bombardment

This ability of Gibraltar can launch a mortar attack in a certain location. This ability has high damage, but is limited to a small area. Therefore, it is difficult to hit the opponent. So, sometimes, you should use it to force the enemy to move. Throw the Bomdardment into the enemy’s hideout. They will immediately have to flee elsewhere.

The Defensive Bombardment also gives you the edge. When starting to use this feature, enemies will speculate about it. If you can move to another location, you can take down a few targets before they can even realize where you are.

Above are instructions Gibraltar in Apex Legends. Hope the article is useful to you.

Source link: Instructions on how to play Gibraltar in Apex Legends

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