Inhibitory actions are easy to destroy the game and AFK in League of Legends, if you encounter it, what will you do? (P.1) nhung hanh dong uc che trong lmht 9 - Emergenceingame

first. Support soldier painting, destroy soldiers of the Archer


The first act, though extremely small, is very condemnable in League and always inhibiting all players in an extreme way is the fight for soldiers, especially the bottom lane position, where gamer must learn how to coordinate to go with the enemy.

Gunners are an extremely difficult job because besides having to keep their position in combat, they also have to fine-tune each shot so that they don’t lose important minion stats. However, if the support continuously uses skills to clear minions on purpose and deliberately KS important minion stats, it will not only make it more difficult for the ADC to defeat them. last hit but also lose valuable resources compared to the opponent. With support champions, these generals often have low hand damage, low attack speed, plus the minion tax from the equipment, which makes competing for soldiers means reducing the resources that both are worth. maybe have.

So for high-ego snipers, in the role of a support, you should be gentle in using your skills on the minions and don’t touch them if there is nothing really necessary. Although it is a small action, it is extremely important because the ADC can AFK because of discomfort and leave you alone to fend for yourself.

2. Cannon car KS


This seems to be a small act of joking, but sometimes it is easy to make teammates angry. This is an action that is often caught with jungler when they passed a swarm of minions and teammates trying to clear the mid lane and KS picked up the low health car with a penalty.

Cannon carts are a hugely important resource for laners as it provides a huge economic benefit at every stage. KS gets teammates’ cars, junglers can only buy one purple ward, but for road users, it’s the source of money so they can get the best equipment, come back early to buy equipment and have an advantage over competitors. Having that KS can cause conflicts later leading to game breaking, AFK is inevitable.

3. Magician not yielded Blue


Just like cannon cars, green charm is an extremely important resource for both the jungle and mid lane as it provides an abundant source of energy and the ability to reduce cooldown for mages. For difficult matches, the mage can be actively given the charm to go better than the opponent and push the minion quickly afterwards. gank other road areas.

While this is a voluntary, non-coercive action, the green buff is a resource that the jungler should not try to contest if his teammates are in need. Mages will always need green buffs more than junglers and if you deliberately punish them blatantly, you will cause their mentality to go down, leading to their loss of lane later being indirectly caused by you.

4. Chat, Ping bluff


These are the oldest communication tools in the League and are what can help us exchange tactics with teammates to go to victory. However, this tool is increasingly corrupted, instead of being used to communicate tactics with teammates, it is the source of conflicts if used indiscriminately, causing internal discord and breaking the game. . To control your angry egos, you should learn to be quiet and, if necessary, use the mute all command to help you focus more. This is the only way to keep the argument from becoming more serious and the match will still have a chance to win. If you continue to argue and use chat and ping continuously, the result will be a loss no more or less.​

Source link: Inhibitory actions are easy to destroy the game and AFK in League of Legends, if you encounter it, what will you do? (P.1)

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