How to turn off the utility bar on the left of Coc Coc

43094 - Emergenceingame
For those who are using the latest version of Coc Coc, surely they know the annoyance of the left utility bar when it occupies a part of the screen area, so how to turn off the utility bar on the left of Coc Coc? ? and is it really as inconvenient as you think it is.

LIVE Latest version of Coc Coc There is a change that anyone can recognize that is the appearance of the widget bar. As a result of that convenience, many readers sent letters asking how to do it to turn off the utility bar on the left of Coc Coc when it takes up part of the screen when surfing the web. If you really don’t need this new feature on Coc Coc, then turn off the utility bar on the left of Coc Coc di with the following way.

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Turn off the utility bar on the left of Coc Coc

How to turn off the utility bar on the left of Coc Coc

If you have not experienced the utility bar or want to try this feature, please update Coc Coc to the latest version here.

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If you are using Coc Coc, you will certainly see that there is a utility bar on the left and right, this utility bar will allow you to quickly access certain content and now we will proceed to turn off the convenience bar. utility on the left of Coc Coc.

Step 1: To turn off the utility bar on the left of Coc Coc is very simple when users only need to pay attention to one lever switch on the left on the same browser interface is okay.

Coc Coc's curvy bar

Step 2: The icon will lose its green color when you turn off the utility bar on the left of Coc Coc and your Coc Coc interface will return to the way it was and users can experience the old interface of Coc Coc again.

Tat Thanh Coc Coc

To re-enable the user just click on it again to re-enable the widget bar.

Advantages of the widget bar:

It is your right to turn off the utility bar on the left of Coc Coc or not, but let’s try to see what this utility bar brings to you in the process of downloading Coc Coc surfing the web.

– The first thing to mention is that we are allowed to quickly access the Setting on Coc Coc.

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In this setting, you can tweak it to your liking, a quick way to get to the settings instead of having to click on the menu > select Settings like before.

– The second benefit is that you can quickly access websites like Youtube, Facebook or other popular websites.

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Cons of the widget bar:

– Only the following reasons are enough for you to turn off the utility bar on the left of Coc Coc. The first is the completeness of the utility bar when you are not allowed to change or add anything.
– Quick access is completely fixed and cannot be changed.
– Can’t integrate Facebook Messenger chat like Opera is doing.

As you can see, how to turn off the utility bar on the left of Coc Coc is not difficult, it only takes 5 seconds from you. But instead of turning off the utility bar on the left of Coc Coc, why don’t you try to experience it by turning off the utility bar on the left of Coc Coc as well as giving feedback to Coc Coc about the features you want to change and add to the bar? utilities. And don’t forget to always check the Coc Coc version because maybe right after your feedback there will be specific improvements and you need to check Coc Coc version to be able to update to the latest version promptly.
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