How to SEO YouTube videos to Top

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In the previous article, showed you how to make money online on Dailymotion, if you are making money on YouTube videos, readers should refer to the following article of to learn how to SEO YouTube videos to the Top to ” pull the channel”.

YouTube is increasingly tightening policies and regulations to enable monetization, the channel must have 4,000 watch hours and 1,000 registrations to be listed on the waiting list to enable monetization. For YouTubers, in addition to choosing and developing unique content, it also requires a bit of SEO experience to be able to bring their videos to the Top and pull the channel.

So in the article below, will guide you how to SEO YouTube videos to the Top.

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1. How to SEO YouTube videos to Top

Before we start, a small note you need to know is that YouTube has its own algorithm for ranking videos. Even in the case you have “pump sub or view” can’t be sure of high rankings.

One of the factors that directly affects high YouTube video rankings is watch time. So to attract viewers, first of all, you need to make sure your channel builds unique and strange content, not overlapping with other channels.

Here are some ways to SEO your YouTube videos to the top:

1.1 Video title – use keywords

Video titles let viewers know what your video is about and what content it is. The right title for your video content is both useful for viewer retention and YouTube’s SEO algorithm, instead of using the title “hanging the head of a goat selling dog meat”, name one thing, content another.

Leverage Google and YouTube autocomplete to give you an overview of what users are searching for on these platforms so you can optimize your content accordingly.

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As you can see in the screenshot above, entering a few keywords YouTube will start showing suggested results. This is because these are the most searched queries related to your keywords.

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Similarly you can use Google’s autocomplete feature to generate more keyword ideas. Use these keywords to add to your video title. In addition, you refer to the top SEO tool for keyword analysis Best seo here.

1.2. Video description

The next part is to write a description of your video content. The first few lines play a major role, affecting your video’s ranking in search engines. In this description you can use search engine autocomplete keyword phrases as the description. If the search keyword matches the first 2 lines of the video description, your video is more likely to get a higher ranking.

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In the screenshot above, you can see a search keyword that matches the first 2 lines of the video description. In addition, the use of long-tail keywords in the video description also helps to improve and increase your video rankings.

1.3. Video file name

Once you’ve created and edited your video, and it’s ready to upload to YouTube, however you render the video file as mov001.avi or whatever filename, make sure you rename your video file contains keywords from search.

Name your video file with the main keywords so that search engines can know what the content of your video is. This is because search engines can’t see what’s in your video. By naming the video file so that the search algorithm can know what your video is about, what topic it is.

Using the video title as the video file name makes it easier for search engines to index the video, resulting in higher video rankings.

1.4. Video optimization using search data

This is an important step in optimizing your YouTube videos.

– Go to

– Click select Analytics =>Top videos.

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This will redirect you to the page as shown in the screenshot below:

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Click on the video you want to optimize to open the video analysis window you selected.

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This will open a page showing all the queries users are using to find your video. The next step now you need to do is to optimize the video title, description and tag section based on these queries.

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Treat these queries as keywords to optimize your videos.

1.5. Use the subtitles (CC) feature on your videos

Use the captioning (CC) feature on YouTube to make sure other users can see the subtitles and better understand what’s on your video. In addition, you can translate subtitles into different languages ​​to reach a wider audience.

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You can also upload transcripts. Transcript contains text what is said in the video. YouTube’s new algorithm automatically converts your voice into a transcript, making it easier to activate your voice.

Using subtitles for videos is also a way to get them indexed in search engines because it contains keywords written in them. This way your video keywords will become richer, friendly to search engines.

1.6. Tag and keyword research for YouTube videos

The tag is also an important step, directly affecting your video search rankings on YouTube. Here are some tips for adding tags in your videos:

– List specific tags first: write the main keywords first, this lets the YouTube algorithm prioritize the main keywords first.

– List generic tags: write generic keywords, for example if your keyword is tips, you can add tags tech tips, tech tips, … .

In addition, you can use the Tubebuddy tool to search for tags used in your videos. The tool also displays search rankings for specific keywords. Many professional YouTubers also choose and use the Tubebuddy tool.

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– Also try adding misspelling tags to the tag section, then go to YouTube analytics tool and check how the user traffic goes to the video.

– Add singular and plural tags, and separate your keywords into separate sections, such as “trick” and “trick”.

– Add phrases to tags as longtail keywords.

Keyword research for YouTube videos

Getting keyword ideas is one of the important parts of SEO. To get keyword ideas for your videos, you can use the Google Display Planner tool.

Google provides 2 tools, Keyword Planner and Display Planner, allowing users to get keyword ideas. recommends that you use Display Planner to get related keywords.

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The Display Planner not only provides a large number of keywords, but also gives the user insight into the searched keywords.

Downloading these keywords and adding video tags, titles and descriptions helps your video rank higher in search engines.

2. The best YouTube keyword research tools

2.1 Tubebuddy

This is the most popular YouTube keyword search engine today. The tool is available as Chrome extensions available as apps for Android and iPhone. The biggest advantage of this tool is that it shows both how easy or difficult it is to rank for a keyword on your YouTube video.

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Download Tubebuddy to your device and install it here.


2.2 YouTube Studio

Using YouTube Studio you can search for keywords that drive traffic to the videos on your channel. Using this data you can optimize your existing videos to improve their search rankings further in the YouTube search engine.

Follow the steps below:

– Access YouTube Studio.

– Click select Analytics (analyze) =>Reach viewers (access to viewers).

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– Click select Traffic source (traffic source) =>YouTube search (search on YouTube).

– Click on any keyword to see more information.

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Once you’ve picked up the keywords that drive traffic to your existing videos, you can start optimizing for these keywords.

– Add the keywords you got in the above step into the YouTube video description.

– Add keywords as tags on your YouTube videos.

2.3. VidIQ

In addition to the above tools, VidIQ is also one of the effective YouTube keyword suggestion tools. VidIQ offers many features that help improve the overall ranking of YouTube videos that you have uploaded.

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Download VidIQ to your device and install it here: Download Video

2.4 Ahrefs YouTube Keyword Research Tool

Ahrefs, which is a popular marketing tool, has recently been integrated with a YouTube keyword research tool. You can use this tool to research and find keywords.

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After accessing the control panel, click Keyword explorer and start the keyword research process.
So the above article has just shown you how to SEO YouTube videos to Top. In addition, if you have any questions or questions that need to be answered, readers can leave their comments in the comment section below the article.

Related keywords:

How to SEO YouTube videos to Top

how to SEO YouTube videos, make money on YouTube,

Source link: How to SEO YouTube videos to Top

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