How to play top lane champion in Wild Rift League

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You already know how to play top laner in Wild Rift Alliance? Split push to create pressure on the lane as well as coordinate with allies to destroy opponents? How to map the champion on Wild Rift?

Top lane is one of the important areas in Wild Rift. Unlike the bottom lane, the top lane is where the duel of the best Gladiators, Gunners and Tank generals in the game takes place.

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Instructions for playing top lane champions in Wild Rift League

How to play top lane champion in Wild Rift League

1. How to play split push top lane champion in Wild Rift

Not all Wild Rift champions have split push. Some champions like Jax, Tryndamere, and Fiora have a very good split push because they are equipped with items that help farm minions and stay longer in 1vs1 duels.

To play split-push top lane and farm minions, you first need to destroy your opponent’s turrets as soon as possible and find ways to attract the entire opponent’s team to your side.

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Usually when the target is trying to protect the lane, their base will need to ask for the help of other allies in the team. This way to put pressure on the lane while also giving your allies an advantage on other lanes.

However, it is not always advisable to push odd. After you have applied pressure on a certain lane, you should move to another lane and follow the same strategy. In addition, when the fight breaks out, you need to make sure you can coordinate well, support your allies to destroy the enemy’s minions and bases. Besides, if you don’t know which top lane champion to choose, readers can refer here to learn more.

See also: Top 5 lane champions on Wild Rift League.

2. How to play champions on Wild Rift

Most Wild Rift lane champions can be played as a Carry in 1vs1 battles. However, to play it safe, you should try to expand the range, making up for the lost gold / EXP.

In teamfights, you can participate in the frontline position. If equipped with the necessary items and skills, you can create shields or heal your allies.

If the team already has a stronger jungler or support champion, you can wait and watch when the champions fight. If playing in the Carry position, the rest depends on your allies.

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3. How to build and map champions on Wild Rift

To build items, equipment also depends on the champion you want to choose to play. If you are a Tank general, you need to equip items that increase HP, Armor or Magic Resistance.

If you are a Gunner, you need to equip and build items like Black Cleaver (black ax), Trinity Force (three fusion swords), Death’s Dance (dance of death) or items with the potential to deal great damage.

4. The role of general on Wild Rift

Wild Rift top lane requires being able to deal massive damage and being able to “balance” lane alone, at least until junglers or mid laners can gank and give them an advantage.

About the role of the top lane champion in Wild Rift League:

– Top laner has the ability to push the lane to support the jungler to get the Rift Herald.

– Ability to protect Rift Scuttler to gain more EXP, gold and vision, in case the jungler can’t fulfill his mission.

– Teleport to other lanes to gank, giving allies advantage.

– Split ability to effectively split push (only some champions have this ability).

– Support allies in skirmishes.

Link to download League of Wild Rift:

=> Link Download Wild Rift Alliance for Android
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=> Link Download Wild Rift League for iOS
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Above just showed you how to play top lane champion in Wild Rift League. Wish you have fun playing the game.

Good article:
– How to play Wild Rift League on Android
– How to play Wild Rift League on PC
– How to play Wild Rift League on iOS

Author: Nguyen Canh Nam
(4.03 evaluate)
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