How to play face down from basic to advanced

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How to play face down from basic to advanced will be guided by in the article below. Playing this chess is a variation from the game of Chess, instead of facing up all the pieces and placing them in the correct position, this flag turns the pieces face down, from two generals and places the pieces face down in the positions of other cards.

In addition to instructions on how to play basic chess, also guides you on how to play advanced chess, chess strategies so you can win when playing with people or playing online.

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Instructions to play face down from basic to advanced

Instructions on how to play chess

1. Rules of playing face down

For the chess board, it is divided as follows:

– Chess face down uses a chess board, rectangular in shape with 10 horizontal and 9 vertical lines intersecting to create 90 intersecting points in the chessboard.
River: The space divides the chessboard into 2 equal parts.
– Generals: Each side will have 1 general arc formed by 4 squares in the top middle of the 2 sides and marked diagonally to show that the champion can go straight, diagonally.

As for the chess pieces, they are divided as follows:

– Each side will have 16 children including generals, soldiers, statues, horses, vehicles, cannons and pawns. When starting to play chess, there must be 32 pieces on the chessboard.

2. Name and function of each piece

Both sides need to have all these types of troops:

Generals: This is the only piece that will be revealed at the beginning on the face down chessboard. Generals can go horizontally and vertically in the palace of generals. The two generals cannot see each other’s faces. If you look after you lose.

– Si: This army has 2 children. This soldier goes diagonally one by one. Si was also allowed to cross the river to fight, people called him Si Chien.

Statue: This piece has 2 children, moves 2 squares diagonally. Statues allowed to cross the river are called Chien Statues. When there is a block in the middle of the road, the statue will not be allowed to go.

Depending on the position of the face-up statue, the statue is divided into two types: the statue used to check generals and the statue used to lock the general.

Code: This piece has 2 children, move 1 square straight and move 1 square diagonally. When there is a block, the code is not allowed to go that way but change to another path.
Car: This piece has 2 children, move horizontally, vertically at will, especially can run through many steps if no piece is in the way.
Cannon: This piece has 2 pieces and moves horizontally and vertically like a car. However, in order to capture the opponent’s piece, this cannon needs to overcome another piece.
Good: Good go one by one, can only go straight. But when crossing the river, the pawn can go straight, go sideways.

3. General rules when playing face down

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Rules when playing chess up you should know

Prioritize the fake pawns first

Prioritize the fake pawn, which means you need to go in the first row first. When you’re done, you’ll be in the lower row. This is a very important step, being able to control the opponent’s army so that the opponent can’t open his piece. Besides, you need to pay attention that you can’t eat pieces located in a “forbidden” position.

If you are banned, you should save the cap by sacrificing small pieces, which can be statues, heroes, pawns…

Do not arbitrarily use firecrackers and fake vehicles

Vehicles and fake artillery used for defense should be used when the flag is over or in an emergency. Avoid using at first.

Ideally, you should calculate what the cannon is so that when opening the cannon in your favor, attacking the enemy is easier.

Link to protect the troops

The hero and statue in the general are not strong, but when turning upside down, they have very strong destructive power. Therefore, when you open a piece, you should attack quickly if you can flip the horse or the rook. But you make sure when you turn it over it’s either a pawn, a knight or a statue.

4. How to play basic face down

Unlike chess, playing face-down requires you to think a lot plus a little luck, then you can win this intellectual game. If you guess wrong or make a wrong move, you can make yourself lose miserably in the game. Whichever side can check the champion, that side will win.

The game of chess begins

Each side will receive 16 pieces with 7 types of generals, pawns, soldiers, statues, cannons, vehicles, codes with different colors. For example, one side is black and the other is red. Sort like chess. However, only the General can be turned face-up, the other pieces will not be flipped face-up and randomly placed in each position on the chessboard.

First move

The chess piece is in any position, it moves according to that position. For example, if a piece is in a good position, that piece will move like a pawn, it will only go straight.

After making the first move, the Chess piece is face down

After going, that piece will be flipped face up to see what piece it is. From there, that piece will go exactly as its name suggests. For example, if you move a chess piece in a good position and turn it over, it is a knight, then the next step, you move according to the rules of the horse.

Note: Moving the piece face down differs from the move in chess in the following ways:

Soldiers Not limited to forbidden bows, but going around the chessboard according to the rule of diagonals.
Mahout can move to the opponent’s field.

5. Common terms in ups

A common term in the up flag is:

Eat troops: When a chess piece moves to a position where the opponent’s piece is occupied, that piece will be eaten by you and taken from the board.
Checkmate: Just like in chess, when you take a step that causes a champion to be eaten, you are a checkmate.
Pumpkin mat: If one side checks the generals, the opponent no longer moves, then that country is Chieu Bi country.
End of the match: Means when you or your opponent give up and get check-in.

When you have a way to play chess face down and play regularly, you will gain experience to play to win the match. At the same time, when you have a strategy to play chess up, you can easily become a master of chess down, fighting hundreds of battles and winning.

Instructions on how to play upside down
Or playing chess is also a chess game that requires high thinking and concentration. Schoolmates How to play chess in the previous sharing post to be able to learn this interesting chess game.

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How to play upside down

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