How to master AWP in CS:GO

How to master AWP in CS:GO

The AWP is very scary when you are being distracted by the enemy and when you are aiming at the enemy. Holding AWP is not simply deciding what to build, it is also an art: the skills required, the advantages and disadvantages of AWP.

AWP is heavy, powerful, and expensive. This is the only gun that can knock down an opponent with a single bullet to the chest. However, it is not always 1-hit 1 kill in all situations. Shooting in the leg or lower groin only deals 85 damage (also known as “legging”), similar to chisels through surfaces like walls and wood.

The power of AWP is also reflected in its price. Whether it’s 5v5 in competitive or casual mode, it costs $4,750 to buy an AWP. If this money is wasted (or worse, your opponent kills you and steals the AWP), it will destroy the team’s economy in subsequent rounds. Along with the autosniper guns (G3SG1/SCAR-20), the AWP is the next gun we don’t want to fall into enemy hands in CS:GO.

Several aspects of the AWP make it quite unwieldy for new players, including its flexibility. A player running with a knife will reach 250 units per second; with USP-S is 240 units per second; AK-47 is 215; and AWP is only 200 units per second – 20% slower than knives. Only 2 LMGs, Negev and M249, are slower.

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The AWP’s fire rate is also slow, which makes how important your first ammo is. Scout, an inexpensive version of the AWP, Scout also has a slow rate of fire but has great flexibility even when aiming (different from AWP). Like most guns in CS:GO, the AWP is very responsive if you move. You need to stand still almost completely to be able to shoot accurately. AWPer is also someone who often faces a situation of being stuck in keeping the angle when the opponent uses flash or when the opponent starts attacking the bombsite.

AWP still has a lot of advantages. It has the best wall chisel in the game, even when chiseling the wall the value is still 250 (this value ranges from 0-300, the higher this value shows that the bullet can penetrate hard surfaces) over longer distances). This gun also has armor penetration (97.5/100 in the gun info panel, second highest in the game). The perfect combination of snooping and standard timing will be able to create divine “kennyS” shots that no one can explain.

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If you want to buy AWP in competitive, the best time to do so is on the first full-buy round of the match and you must have at least $5,750. Even if your team lost the first 3 rounds due to not completing any of the missions (cleaning up the opposing team, planting a bomb, or defusing a bomb), you will still have a total of $6,500 in round 4, if including the original $800.

The most effective AWPers will be those who save money to buy an extra set of grenades, from which we will spend about $6,450 Here is an AWPer’s standard shopping list:

  • AWP – $4,750
  • Armor and helmet – $1,000
  • Two flashbangs and smoke – $700

If you buy the AWP without armor, you are choosing to become a “glass cannon”. This is a huge risk, you will turn yourself into a glass that can break at any moment. Not buying armor not only affects how much HP you will lose, but it also affects how accurate it is due to aimpunch. You should avoid buying AWP when you don’t have enough money to buy an AWP + armor combo, unless you need to apply reckless tactics, such as the enemy team is about to win a match.

If your teammates in competitive mode already bought an AWP then you should consider buying another gun. There are situations where competitive maps will have different implementations of gun buying tactics (Having 2 AWPers while in CT on dust2 is quite necessary because you need to have foresight on A, B and mid) ), but you will have difficulty because of the amount of money the team has to invest and it is quite risky.

There are generally two situations where you’ll have to use AWP: pre-angle (passive AWPing), or while you want to move around the map to get kills first (active AWPing). In professional CSGO, players like SmithZz and nico are suitable for a passive style, while kennyS or JW tend to be very active.

Passive AWPing works best in corners where you have the option of retreating behind covers – that’s where you can defend yourself until you’re ready to shoot again. Passive players usually only have to worry about one spot, avoiding flash or smoke out of their original position.

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Passive AWPers are also the ones to worry about the most about zoom modes when aiming. The AWP has two zoom settings that you have to click to change: the first scope will be normal and the second will be magnified.

As a rule of thumb for those getting started with AWP, use the one-shot zoom in 1v1 situations. A passive AWPer that holds a position with a long view like from bombsite A to the pit on dust2 should consider using maximum zoom to have a better viewing angle, easier to protect the bombsite. AWPers who want to keep close angles or play flexibly should avoid maximum zoom in most fields.

Active AWPers must have a long list of things they have to control when using this AWP. For them, techniques like walking while aiming and looking for an opponent are something they must have good experience with. They also have to have the widest range of vision possible to create “lightning-fast” shots. These players often rely on more difficult techniques when AWP.

As an active AWper, you need to have good map control using AWP. AWPer needs to know when to push, even though that situation is often seen as suicidal. AWPer needs to rely on speed, foresight, and tricks to gain an advantage.

Passive AWPer think like this: cornering won’t work if the opponent is faster than you. Active AWPers can combine moves as well as tricks (sit around or rush out at different speeds) to defeat the opponent.

Crouch-peek and shoulder-peeking take advantage of the advantages of popping out in CS:GO (see also the GIF file below for a better understanding) by popping out quickly, aiming and shoot with a bit of guesswork. Sometimes these techniques have to rely on unexpected places or moments. AWPer uses ‘angle advantage’ – the Source engine shifts the camera slightly to the left, allowing you to see the enemy a little before they see you.

Talk about is shoulder-peek, you have to be agile to strafe (press A or D) into a corner and visualize where you will aim. Zoom the barrel, shoot and strafe back to the original position instantly. The above action should be a smooth movement without any delay at all. This technique allows you to limit the possibility of being hit by a prefire (first shot) or hit by a ball while still keeping your mobility.

Crouch-peeking (aim while sitting down) will add a small detail about controlling the angle of view of AWPer that they will sit down when aiming. This is done in order to “outpace” the opponent while in a defensive position, if they are experienced they will often put their mind at head level. To crouch-peek, hold the sit button as you prepare to corner. For a brief moment when you are completely still, you have to sit, zoom and aim at an angle you want to check for your teammates. At that time, the opponent may be resetting his mind and if you are quick enough, you can easily kill the opponent!

Active AWPer needs to master the above operations: sit, strafe, zoom in and shoot without doing it too fast because it can affect the accuracy of the gun. The seat key needs to be pressed when the shooter falls into position, not before or after.

Quickscope is a technique that when you right-click to zoom, you immediately have to click the left mouse button (ie zoom and shoot immediately). This allows you to have a more accurate shot when you noscope (shoot without aim). To try the quickscope, you should not move too much and click right and left quickly.

kennyS quickscope

Noscope also known as the pinnacle art for AWPers. With this technique, AWPers use their AWP like the world’s largest pistol, which is completely doable and occasionally used by pro players at the highest levels of CS:GO. Noscoping is often the best option and can be the only option when the opponent rushes in and you’re not quite ready. If you find yourself in this situation, put your mind in the center of the opponent, stop moving before firing, trust your muscle memory and wait until the last moment to narrow the angle in the middle. the distance between you and the opponent, then click.

Top 20 nscope phases worth watching

Wallbang is an elegant name when it comes to shooting through hard surfaces on Counter-Strike maps. There will often be fixed angles that only the AWP (or autosniper) can penetrate and many of those angles will often come in handy. For example, the map Cache, you might know about locations that you can use to try and hit the enemy on the other side of the map. The best way to practice this technique is to download the map to an offline server then press the command “sv_showimpacts 1” in the console to see where the bullet is going and look for better positions, for example.

Pro’s Wallbang Phases

Last and rarely used, the AWP can also hit accurate shots when you jump up. Similar to the famous Scout-jumpshot technique, but for AWP it is less reliable and requires near-perfect timing. This technique is for players who are willing to take high risks.

Source: pcgamer

Source link: How to master AWP in CS:GO

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