How to install HTML5 on Firefox instead of Adobe Flash Player

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Installing HTML5 on Firefox makes it easy to play content like YouTube or flash content without having to install a flash player, helping to avoid potential security risks caused by downloading Flash Player and Flash Player. use on Firefox brings

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There are many readers asking about why should install HTML5 instead of Adobe Flash on Firefox browser. The reasons are many, but mainly the benefits that HTML5 on Firefox brings compared to Adobe Flash Player.

install html5

BILLIONyeswhat’s wrongheri installedeh?t HTML5 on the browsereh?t Firefox instead of Adobe Flash?

In addition to the ability to play old flash content or watch YouTube videos easily, HTML5 also has a better protection system against vulnerabilities than Flash Player.

For a long time, installing Flash Player has been one of the effective ways to help users easily turn on flash content, videos, and animations on the computer, but installing flash player and using flash always has many potentials. vulnerabilities are easily exploited and harm users. That leads to the fact that many browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox are gradually moving to get rid of flash and switch to using HTML5 as an effective tool for watching YouTube videos or flash content before.

Why doesn’t Firefox support HMTL5?

In fact, Firefox supports HTML5 but has been hidden, users will have to enable it in Firefox browser settings to install HTML5 and use flash content or watch YouTube videos easily.

How to installPut HTML5 on Firefox instead of Adobe Flash

Step 1: Open Firefox and visit the following page by typing or then copying and pasting into the address bar on Firefox:


Note that this is where the Firefox browser is managed and configured, so any changes here have a great impact on the browser. If you get the message: “This might void your warranty!”, please press “I accept the risk!” to continue access.

install html5 instead of adobe flash

Step 2: In the interface about:configyou enter mediasource in the search box and press Enter to find the named value: media.mediasource.enabled.

install html5 for firefox

Step 3: By default, the value of this option will be False. Now you will have to change this value to True to activate and install HTML5 instead of Adobe Flash on Firefox. You can double click to change the value or right click on the value and select Toggle.

install html5 on firefox


install html5

Step 4: After changing the value, you will need to restart Firefox by pressing the . key Shift + F2 or (Shift + Fn + F2 depending on laptop) > type restart and press Enter to restart Firefox.

how to install html5

* How to install HTM5 for YouTube on Firefox browser

Step 1: In the Firefox browser, click Firefox menu > choose Add-ons.

html5 user guide

Step 2: In the box Search > type or copy and paste the add-ons name: YouTube ALL HTML5. Press Install to install YouTube ALL HTML5 into Firefox. After the installation is complete, you can click Options to change some values ​​in the add-ons. You will need to restart Firefox one more time to make sure the add-ons can work at their best.

tutorial on how to install html5

You can change some settings of add-ons YouTube ALL HTML5 in the item Options.

Instructions on how to install html5 data

Step 3: Access any YouTube video on Firefox, if you see the HTML5 icon in the right corner next to the search bar, that’s when you have successfully installed HTML5 when watching videos on YouTube.

install html5

Install HTML5 instead of Adobe Flash on Firefox for better YouTube viewing, but if you want to disable HTML5 on YouTube if you no longer need it, you can follow the instructions disable HTML5 on YouTube was introduced by

If you are still using Adobe Flash Player on supported browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox or Coc Coc, you can refer to the instructions on how to turn off the Adobe Flash Player plugin on Google. Chrome or Firefox to make it more convenient to turn on and off the Flash Player plugin when browsing the web or watching YouTube videos.
Good luck

Related keywords:

install html5

install html5 instead of adobe flash, install html5 for firefox,

Source link: How to install HTML5 on Firefox instead of Adobe Flash Player

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