How to chat Facebook on Android without Messenger app

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Your device configuration is weak and you don’t want to install many programs, especially Facebook’s Messenger, which is frequently used. Don’t worry, because with the tips below, Taimienphi will show you how to chat Facebook on Android without Messenger. Let’s follow along.

In the face of the explosion and strong development of social networks in recent years, leading to a sharp increase in the demand for using social networking applications, Facebook has launched the Messenger application. However, many people do not like Messenger because it takes up too many resources during use. So if you still want to face chat without using messenger on your Android phone, please refer to the content below.

facebook chat can't install messenger

How to chat Facebook on Android without Messenger app

Step 1: Use any web browser and access Facebook on Androidthen you click on the item Message

cach chat facebok khong can cai dat ung dung messenger tren dien thoai 1 - Emergenceingame

Step 2: Function Message requires you to install the Messenger software. However, you often ignore it, but you click on the item Extend the top right corner of the browser, and tick the box Request the site for the computer

XrI4 cach chat facebok khong can cai dat ung dung messenger tren dien thoai 2 - Emergenceingame

Step 3: Proceed to reload Facebook and access the Messages section again, right now you can chat face without messenger.

cach chat facebok khong can cai dat ung dung messenger tren dien thoai 3 - Emergenceingame

With just a few simple steps, you can chat face-to-face without Messenger on your phone. The advantage of this method is that it saves phone resources, it is suitable for those who occasionally chat on Facebook, but do not use it often. In addition, we also guide how create group chat on facebookif interested, please stop by for reference.
When using the Messenger application on your phone, you must have wondered how to log out of messenger, because Messenger does not support this feature, so logging out of messenger can be said to be quite complicated. Instead of logging out in the app, you have to log out of your Facebook account or delete the Messenger app

Author: Nguyen Canh Nam
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Facebook chat can’t install messenger app on android iphone

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