How to change domain name without losing blog/website SEO

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Change the old domain name to a new domain name according to the instructions in this article of, you can transfer the old, no longer suitable domain name to a new, more prominent and meaningful domain name without worrying. lose Web Rank or lose previous website SEO rankings.

Owning a website is something that any individual or business needs to be able to build a brand and develop their business. To create a website, you must first domain name registration and hosting. Choosing the right domain name can help customers distinguish your website from millions of other active websites.

How to change my domain name without using SEO blog website?

How to transfer old domain name to new domain name without losing search rankings.

However, there are many people who have owned a website for a long time but feel that it is no longer in line with the business trend in the market and want to change the domain name. In this case, the question that makes many people wonder is how to change the old domain name to the new domain name while keeping the SEO results intact?

The following article of will guide 7 steps to take to change the domain name without losing SEO blog/website. Let’s find out together!

How changing domain name does not affect SEO results

1. Check out the entire site

The first step to transferring the old domain to the new domain without losing traffic is to conduct a website inventory. That means you have to make a specific list of active web pages on the web.

This step is especially important because you will then have to create up to 301 redirects. You will use it to transfer all website visits from the old URL to the new URL. Of course, that will happen later after your new website goes live.

However, not everyone can do it, unless you are extremely diligent. Many people will feel frustrated because there are thousands of web pages.

The question now is how do you inventory your website? Obviously, this is a complicated process that takes a lot of time. Fortunately, you can use SEO crawling tools to speed things up, such as the SEO Crawler or Screaming Frog. They will assist with the inventory of your web pages.

– Download Screaming Frog Latest version here

The tools will also help to list all the meta descriptions, title tags, keywords and other details that you will need later on for SEO. Arguably, this is the most labor-intensive part of the entire process.

2. Create a new stronger brand for the holding page

While this is a simpler step, you still need to pay attention to some important details.

Chances are, you’ll want search engines, especially Google, to index your new site’s homepage right away. And that’s one of the top reasons why you should create a holding page (where all your existing directory links point to) for your new website. It’s a kind of rule and practice when transferring a domain name to a website.

The value of holding pages has decreased a bit but is still a good idea, as it will let others know that you already own a new domain name and are building a new website. Holding the page isn’t as important as it used to be because 301 redirects are likely to cross the same page scope as the direct link.

3. Transfer data from old domain to new domain

Once you have the holding page, you can start transferring content from the old server to the new one. This process will take a few hours, and it will help to leave a notice on the old site. Usually, all content will be moved quickly, unless your site is too large.

After successfully transferring all the content, the next step is to check for all broken links. This will be one of the most important things you need to do before launching your new website.

If you do it manually, it will take some time to check all the links, but you can also use effective tools, such as Link Sleuth by Xenu.

How to change domain name without using SEO blog website 2

See how changing the domain name does not change the SEO results.

4. Transfer old domain name to new domain name

After you’ve double-checked all the links, you need to make sure that all the page titles and their descriptions are uploaded and running properly.

You may have some untested sites left, but that shouldn’t be a big deal. It is important that you have almost all the links working. You can still find and fix broken links later. If all is relatively stable, you can proceed to transfer the old domain name to the new domain name.

5. Declare a new domain name on Webmaster Tools

The next step you need to do is to verify the new domain name on Webmaster Tools. You must first add a new domain name and then proceed with verification.

There are many different options for you to do this, such as uploading an HTML file, verifying your new site with your Google Analytics account, or adding a meta tag to your website homepage.

– If you choose to verify your site with Google Analytics, you can download Google Analytics Latest version here

6. Use 301 redirects

301 redirect is the most SEO friendly method to redirect URLs from old domain to new domain. Currently, it is also the current standard for all methods of search engine optimization. There are several ways to encode 301 redirects, and the choice will depend on the software you are using.

How to change the domain name of the domain name is not compatible with seo blog website 3

Instructions on how to use Redirect 301 to transfer data from the old domain to the new domain

Here are the methods you can do with 301 redirects:

+ ASP redirect
+ ASP .net redirect
+ PHP redirect
+ htaccess 301 redirects
+ Windows IIS redirect
+ ColdFusion redirect
+ config redirect

301 redirects can also be used when you change the filenames of certain web pages. Again, there are different ways to do it. For example, if you use a .htaccess file to perform a 301 redirect, you’ll have to add the following lines to that file:

“Option FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule (.*) /$1[R=301,L]

You will have to create a .htaccess file if it is not available. You just need a simple text editor for this to work. You will then have to upload that file to the root of the old site.

Of course, you will use different lines of code if you use PHP or ASP.

In case you run into some trouble while setting up

301 redirect then you will have to contact the technical department of your web host for more information.

A note for you is that using 301 redirects to transfer the old domain name to the new domain name does not affect the website’s rankings. The same principle holds true for 302 redirects.

The next question is: How long will it take for Google to move your site? Does this also mean how long do you have to keep 301 redirects? Unfortunately, there is no official answer to this question. However, Google verified that the process can take a relatively long time.

In particular, the domain name transition will take time for the period before Google completely forgets about your old site and URL. Then, it will automatically proceed to transfer all traffic to the new page.

Another factor that many people wonder is is there a limit to the number of 301 redirects? If you have more than 1,000 web pages and you have to set up 301 redirects for each of those web pages, that is the limit of the number of redirects. However, if you have redirect chains, you can use 1-3 redirects per chain.

7. Notify Google

The final step in transferring a domain name is to notify Google of the new website or URL that you will be using. You will need to submit an XML sitemap to help web crawlers determine your new site structure.

Change the old domain name to the new domain name according to the above 7 steps of, you can transfer all data from the old domain to the new domain without worrying about your position in your keyword rankings. Google.
If you want to learn a lot of good and interesting knowledge about SEO, how to analyze keywords in SEO, you can refer to the article 9 ways to use keywords The best of The article will share with you a few tips and tricks to use SEO keywords effectively, helping to get to the top quickly and sustainably.

Related keywords:

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Source link: How to change domain name without losing blog/website SEO

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