How to build hell gates and find the Boss of the Black Dragon in Mini World: Block Art

MiniWorld Hell 640 - Emergenceingame

Mini World: Block Art is considered to have a lot of similarities with “elder” Minecraft, from graphics, items, gameplay, game modes Survival and Creation, the system of monsters in the game … But Mini World also has a few outstanding points compared to its seniors: the game is free, the system changes the parameters of items, plays online with many different maps. and different categories …

One of the things that gamers feel Mini World the same Minecraft that is the wing Hell Gate and child Boss Dragon Ender In it, you can use this gate of hell to travel down another world, you can earn many resources, and items by hunting monsters here. Here’s how to build hell gates and find them The Black Dragon Boss in Mini World: Block Art.

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Mini World: Block Art – How to build hell gate and find the Boss of the Black Dragon

Step 1: First you have to prepare a quantity of blocks Frame Of The Ground Gate, created by Ancient Stone, Black crystal, Rock and Lava Iron Barrel.

These ingredients can be easily found in the regimen Survival, Black Crystal Then you just need to take the bucket of water and pour into the lava will come out Black crystal, then take the diamond drill to mine. Still Ancient Stone Please see the article How to find the Ancient Stone with the divine eye in Mini World: Block Art.

Mini World

Still Teleportation Stone, Please hit the monster Phantom, it will have The broken underground gate, every 4 will become Rock Teleport.

Mini World

Step 2: To build the Hell Gate, put 4 underground Gate Frame blocks as shown below.

Mini World

Then build 5 blocks at each end.

Mini World

After completing the door frame, there will be 6 empty boxes inside.

Mini World

Step 3: Next you put 6 blocks Rock Teleport into those 6 boxes.

Mini World

When the 6 teleport stones are filled in, you will see a portal open.

Mini World

This gate is transparent and you can step through on both sides.

Mini World

Step in there and you will get there Underworld, also known as Hell.

Mini World

If you want to destroy that gate, you just have to smash the gate and finish. At this time, the gate will appear blocks Rock Teleport.

Mini World

If play mode Survival You have to prepare some weapons before you set foot here, there are a lot of monsters and they are very strong.

Mini World

Aiming not to fight them back, step through the gate again, you will be back to your world.

Mini World

If you take the time to exploit, you will earn a lot of valuable resources below.

Mini World

Step 4: To go find The Black Dragon BossPlease follow the icon Boss Above right corner map.

Mini World

This Boss has two moves and if you are involved, there is a high chance that you will have to “fight the nest” if not well equipped. That is the move Firing Fire and Dig, in this picture is the time when it is doing internal work in preparation Firing Fire.

Mini World

You should carefully dodge its attack, this boss spits indiscriminately and wait for it to finish spitting, stay away from the area just standing, that’s where these flames will plunge into.

Mini World

The second move is equally as beneficial as that Dig, also known as Earth Release, Tilling Soil of the Black Dragon Boss, this technique is rarely used but once used, you should stay away from the area where it dug, it must be considered as if it just dug for you.

Mini World

If you try to destroy the dragon you will get very attractive rewards for it. Above is the guide to creating hell gate and find The Black Dragon Boss in Mini World: Block Art. If you are adventurous, invite your friends to try it out The Black Dragon Boss below Underworld Please.

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