How to build general Tryndamere in Wild Rift League

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Tryndamere plays the role of Gladiator in Wild Rift Alliance, usually played in the top lane position. Tryndamere possesses a powerful skill set and if moved, as well as properly equipped, Tryndamere can become a team carry champion. And this is how you build the strongest general Tryndamere in the League of Wild Rift.

Tryndamere has never been a popular champion of choice in League of Legends or League of Wild Rift tournaments. However, he is especially great when it comes to climbing ranks when he can destroy towers with massive damage. Tryndamere is also very difficult to take down as his Ultimate Reject makes him invincible for 5 seconds. To help you understand this position, will guide you how to play Tryndamere with the gem board, how to build in the Wild Rift League.

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Instructions to play generals Tryndamere Wild Rift Alliance

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How to build general Tryndamere in Wild Rift League

1. How to Itemize Tryndamere in Wild Rift League

1.1. Blade of Ruined King – Sword of the Nameless King

For the first item, you can choose Blade of Ruined King. This item will increase Tryndamere’s attack speed by 30% and 30 AD. The Sword of the Unknown King is also useful to Tryndamere as it has a Passive that reduces the movement speed of targets hit by his 3 basic attacks by 25%.

1.2. Gluttonous Graves – Greed Shoes

As for boots, Tryndamere needs a lifesteal to give him a chance against enemies like the ADC or Assassin. This lifesteal will also help Tryndamere stay strong during the laning phase, especially when you’re pushing splits.

how to build tryndamere in toc chien alliance

1.3. Statikk Shiv – Statikk . Electric Knife

When it comes to attack speed and critical hit, you can choose Statikk Shiv. This item is also useful for clearing hordes of minions due to the magic damage it provides. Besides, it also increases Tryndamere’s movement speed by 5%, which is useful for Tryndamere to move faster – to effectively chase enemies or run away.

1.4. Infinity Edge – Infinity Sword

Tryndamere’s main focus is on attack speed, critical hit, and damage. By purchasing Infinity Edge, Tryndamere will be more effective against weak targets like the ADC. This item increases his crit damage by 60 bonus physical damage and 25% chance to hit with critical hit. However, this item is quite expensive so it will take you longer to buy it.

1.5. Phantom Dancer – Ghost Dance Twin Swords

As a Gladiator that relies on attack speed and critical hit, Phantom Dancer is the perfect choice for Tryndamere. Tryndamere has a Passive that grants Shield to the character when his HP is 35% lower.

1.6. Guardian Angel – Angel Armor

To make it more difficult for enemies to find a way to kill you, you can choose Angel Armor as a precaution. This item gives you 40 armor and 45 AD with the restored Passive.

When taking lethal damage, you will be revived with 50% HP and 30% base mana. However, this item has a rather long cooldown of 3 minutes. So it is very suitable for late game.

1.7. Upgrade Gluttonous Greaves to Quicksilver Enchant

For shoe upgrade, you can choose Algorithmic Towel. This item removes the crowd control effect immediately. Perfect for Tryndamere who is already really nimble and Quicksilver Enchant makes him even more unstoppable.

1.8 Recommended equipment for Tryndamere

– Basic equipment: Infinity Edge, Gluttonous Greaves, Trinity Force, Statikk Shiv, Phantom Dancer, Death Dance and Teleport Enchant.

– Equipment when facing a team with many ADCs: Infinity Edge, Gluttonous Greaves, Trinity Force, Phantom Dancer, Black Cleaver, Guardian Angel, and Teleport Enchant (help Tryndamere against ADC as they allow Tryndamere to quickly finish off any ADC).

– Equipment when facing a team with many mages: Infinity Edge, Gluttonous Greaves, Trinity Force, Phantom Dancer, Maw of Malmortius, Guardian Angel and Teleport Enchant (helps Tryndamere survive against Mage champions).

– Equipment when facing a team with many Tanks: Trinity Force, Gluttonous Greaves, Infinity Edge, Phantom Dancer, Deathdance, Mortal Reminder and Teleport Enchant.

2. Rune – Tryndamere’s Rune

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2.1. Conqueror – Conquer

As a Gladiator, Tryndamere needs high damage to quickly finish off his target. Therefore, you can choose Conqueror as his rune. Its passive grants Tryndamere 2 – 6 AD (based on level), stacking up to 5 times, for a maximum of 10 – 30 AD (based on level).

2.2. Brutal – Rage

For Domination Rune, you can choose Brutal to support other runes. This rune grants Tryndamere 7 bonus AD and 2% armor penetration. With Brutal, you will be able to fight against Tank champions with high armor like Garen.

2.3. Hunter – Titan – Giant Hunter

Even though Tryndamere is a heavy damage champion, he still needs HP to counter enemy ADCs. Therefore, Hunter – Titan will be extremely useful, especially with 20 max HP plus and 4% Tenacity (Effect Resistance) for every enemy champion kill.

2.4. Mastermind – Mastermind

To speed up the split push phase, you can choose the Mastermind gem to deal 10% more real damage to turrets. You’ll also earn 100 gold and 500 XP for destroying (or assisting in the destruction) of these targets.

3. Spell – Spell for Tryndamere

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3.1. Ghost – Acceleration

Ghost is a great summoner spell for Tryndamere as it allows him to chase enemies or escape from them. Once activated, Ghost will increase your movement speed, reducing it to 25% for 6 seconds.

3.2. Flash – Flash

Flash is an auxiliary spell for any champion. Most champions can use it to chase enemies or escape from them. However, the cooldown of this summoner spell is quite long, 150 seconds.

4. Tryndamere’s Combo

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Since Tryndamere is a split-push Gladiator, he doesn’t rely too much on combos. However, here is a sequence of skills that you can try: Mocking Shout (2) > Spinning Slash (3) > Basic Attack.

5. Tryndamere’s gameplay

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– After the Wrath bar is full, you use Bloodlust (1) to heal him, and also strengthen him during the laning phase.
– If your target runs away, use Ghost to give chase, followed by Mocking Shout (2) and Spinning Slash (3).
– Do not use Undying Rage (Ultimate) when HP is still full or half full.

Above is everything you need to know about how to build Tryndamere in Wild Rift League. With runes and spells, equipment and combos suggested in the article, Tryndamere will fight effectively and with other champions to lead you to glorious victory.
Malphite is also a powerful general in LoL Wild Rift, if you love this champion but don’t know how to build, please refer to the article on how to build Malphite in Wild Rift League below.

See also: How to build Malphite in Wild Rift Alliance

Related keywords:

How to build general Tryndamere in Wild Rift League

, how to build general Tryndamere in League of Wild Rift, how to build Tryndamere in Alliance Wild Rift,

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