How not to get injured when using a mouse to play games?

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Today, we work, play games as well as surf the web all using computer mice a lot. Because it is a support tool in daily life, we often do not think much about the mouse.

If you think you’re using the mouse correctly, stop and look down at your mouse grip. Do your wrists bend to the side or do your fingers tire when you press the mouse button? Check your sitting posture, it is easily affected by your bad mouse habits. Even if your grip is currently comfortable, you may be putting too much pressure on your tendons.

Injuries related to computer mice appear to be milder than other injuries. But do not be so disregard, using the wrong mouse for a long time will have a great impact on wrists, fingers and arms. This includes not only gaming but also normal computer use.

Good mouse habits will help improve work and game performance. The less hand pain you have, the better your mouse accuracy will be. Here are a few tips to help keep your hands from hurting when using the mouse.

Use the DPI change buttons on the mouse

Many gamers tend to just use a mouse sensitivity they are satisfied with and keep it constant, but the DPI buttons below the mouse wheel exist for a reason. The low DPI is ideal for competitive shooters, but it’s probably not what you want for your arm when surfing the internet for hours a day. When not gaming, try raising the DPI to 1800 or higher. The higher configuration helps you move the mouse around the screen faster and easier without having to use your wrist to repeat the left or right mouseover too many times.

DPI Chuot Razer - Emergenceingame
DPI configuration of Razer mouse

Most gaming mice, like the Raze Deathadder, have a program for you to set DPI information. This is handy because you can try different profiles to find the right DPI for web surfing, working or gaming. Once you’re satisfied with the mouse sensitivities, you can set the DPI buttons to cycle through the parameters during use.

In the end, you find the right configurations for yourself. If the DPI is set to “correct”, no part of your arm will have to do all the work. This is advice from Dr. Caitilin McGee, physiotherapist specializing in gaming at 1HP Gaming. “No matter what your DPI, you want your wrists, elbows, and shoulders to move in balance,” says Dr.

Don’t hold the mouse too tight!

The author has to add an exclamation point because the author himself has been through this. During a tense round of Rainbow Six Siege, the author found himself gripping the mouse as if he was crushing it. The author himself didn’t know he was doing it until his hand started to hurt. Gripping the mouse or squeezing it definitely won’t make us shoot better. More specifically, it makes the author play less. It distracts the author when the palm of the hand hurts. You’ll realize when you try it, relax and don’t hold on too tight. If your hands are still tired, spend a few minutes massaging your palms and exercising your wrists.

Another reason some people grip a mouse so tightly is the rat itself. There is no one-size-fits-all mouse. When the mouse doesn’t fit in our hand, we tend to ‘force’ it by extending our fingers or squeezing it. The best mouse for your hand is when your fingers rest naturally on the buttons. 1HP Gaming has a calculator that calculates the optimal mouse size for your hand.

In addition, Dr. McGee also said that squeezing the mouse can also be associated with feelings of anxiety or stress. “Controlling this problem can range from getting enough/better quality sleep (the hormones released during sleep help control cortisol secretion), improving thinking and mental play, and finding ways to manage effective stress.”

Huyền thoại gaming mouse Razer DeathAdder 17 - Emergenceingame

Move both wrist and arm

As Dr. McGee said above, a comfortable mouse or DPI is only beneficial when you know how to evenly distribute the force on the arm. For example, with shooters, shooting with both arms and wrists avoids the common mistake of moving the wrist back alone. Not only is it better for your tendons, but you also improve your shot better.

“If you rely on your muscles for hours on end, your muscles will be overloaded. It’s something we don’t want to suffer, similar to the fact that the wrist is the only thing that moves when hovering the mouse. Instead, movements that require precision should come from the wrist, while more extensive movements should come from the elbow and/or shoulder,” says Dr.

From the author’s experience, this habit is not easy to change. Not only is balancing arm and wrist strength difficult, but the computer desk space must also be large enough to move the entire arm. When I was in high school, I played games with a small table and could barely move my elbow. It wasn’t until there was a larger table and mouse pad that the author could move his arms (not only for the sitting position, but also for the author to shoot better in the game).

Lam sao khong gap chan thuong khi dung chuot choi game - Emergenceingame

Adjust the computer desk area

You might think the way you arrange your computer desk doesn’t have much to do with mouse comfort, but sitting posture affects your arms, wrists, and hands. If there’s enough room for experimentation and the chair is height-adjustable, Dr. McGee recommends that your friend be level with the table. “For arm support or arm rest, rest on a table. The keyboard is also at arm’s length and about as far away as the belly (specifically the navel). Sitting close and at that height will help you relax your shoulders, which means less pressure on your arms.”

Keep your hands warm

Frozen hands mean stiff hands. In winter, cold weather can make your hands stiff while playing games. Not only is it inconvenient, but it also reduces the ability to shoot and reflect. Too cold hands will slow blood circulation, leading to numbness, pain and muscle cramps. If you’ve ever watched an esports match, you’ll see players grabbing rags between rounds, they’re hand warmers.

Lam sao khong gap chan thuong khi dung chuot choi game 1 - Emergenceingame

Lam sao khong gap chan thuong khi dung chuot choi game 2 - Emergenceingame

This hand warmer may not seem necessary for a casual gamer, but it really helps to improve blood circulation for your hands. One of the best ways to increase blood circulation is to exercise the wrists and fingers. On the 1HP page there are instructions for handling frostbite with lots of exercise to get your blood flowing. Some might think “putting your hand to your mouth and blowing hot air in” will solve the problem, but Dr. McGee advises that heat from the outside isn’t as effective as exercise for warming up from the inside.

There is a place for palm rest

There are some people who buy wrist pads but that will squeeze the tendons in the wrist against the pad. According to Dr. McGee, using a wrist pad will “put pressure on the nerves and tendons” of the wrist, which is more dangerous for the hand. “Instead, use the bottom of the palm to make a better place to watch!” Supporting your lower body or the palm of your hand will make your muscles more comfortable.

Palm Rest - Emergenceingame

Even if you’re not a person who often gets tired or sore, don’t ignore these tips because of that. The most important thing, says Dr. McGee, is finding the perfect sitting comfort for you. However, do not create bad habits that can affect your health in the long run.

The article includes information about injury and how to prevent it. Readers understand and must know how to take care of their own health and treatment. This article is not intended to replace professional medical care or the direction of a physician. See your doctor if you experience symptoms for proper and effective treatment. Thanks!

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