How much is the conversion rate of 1 military badge in Arena of Valor?
1 military badge equals 500 VND
To be able to buy costumes and accessories in the game Union, you will need to have a military badge to exchange. You will receive badges when you win matches, as you level up, but the fastest is from your recharge to buy. So how much is the conversion rate of 1 military badge in Arena of Valor, please follow the article below.
How much money is 1 military medal in Union Army?
Price list of Mobile Union coat of arms
Guide to buying military badges
Step 1: To top up your military badge, you can visit Garena’s official recharge page HERE.
Step 2: You choose the game to load the military badge is Mobile Union, then choose the login method as Garena
Step 3: You proceed to log in with your Garena account
Step 4: There are many payment methods to top up Military Medals, but loading with Airpay wallet will help you get the best conversion rate with 1 military badge equal to 500 VND.
Hopefully with the above article, you have clearly understood the conversion rate of 1 military medal with how much money in Arena of Valor. You can easily load the military badge to exchange the desired items in the Alliance.
Besides, you can refer to the article on how play Mobile Alliance on PC has been shared on
Related keywords:
price of 1 military medal
, military badge price, military badge conversion rate,
Source link: How much money is 1 military medal in Union Army?