Hidden websites on Google Chrome browser

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Google Chrome browser has more hidden websites than you think. You can access more than 60 hidden websites and 15 debugging tools on Chrome. Therefore, the following article will list the most useful hidden websites on Google Chrome browser for you.

Normally when downloading Chrome, you will only know how to enter the website address and access it through the address bar. In addition, when you encounter some errors or need to check certain information, you can use the hidden websites on the Google Chrome browser below to take advantage of its capabilities.

Hidden websites on Google Chrome browser

Fill in the addresses below to access hidden websites on Google Chrome browser, with each address having different features.

1. chrome://flags/

This may be a well-known hidden website on Google Chrome browser. When you visit this site you will be provided with options that affect the stability, security and privacy of your browser, in return you can enable hidden features through this address.

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2. chrome://omnibox/

Chrome Omnibox Manage the list of suggestions on your browser. In other words, this is also a place to store website access history information on Chrome browser. Here you can review the websites you have visited specifically.

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With the content listed in more detail, Omnibox allows you to search by website name, keywords, supports filters to help you find browsing data in the most accurate way.

3. chrome://network-errors/

Sometimes you will get an error that prevents you from accessing a website through the Chrome browser. With address chrome://network-errors/ Although it can’t help you fix your browsing problems and network errors, this website will list all the error codes and content that you can find in it.

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4. chrome://crashes/

At this address Chrome saves all crash reports that you encounter while browsing the web, such as chrome://network-errors/ giving you a list of errors, error codes to help you easily research the address. chrome://crashes/ List the errors you’ve encountered so far, sorted in detail by the most recent date and time. At the same time, you can also report any errors here to Google to receive a solution.

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5. chrome://plugins/

In addition to the default installed plug-ins, you can also install additional plug-ins for Chrome from the Chrome web store. So it seems to lead chrome://plugins/ was born to manage those plug-ins. At the plug-in management page, you can customize which plug-ins are always allowed to run or not.

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6. chrome://terms/

If you are interested in the terms and standards of Google Chrome, you can visit this address to get a full list of the terms and rules that Google offers for users of Google Chrome’s browser. surname.

7. chrome://view-http-cache/

You can easily view the website visit history on Chrome, then the address chrome://view-http-cache/ also provides you with similar but more complete information to linked websites, advertising addresses that you do not visit but are attached to the content of the addresses you visit.

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8. chrome://predictors/

Here provide the predicted website addresses that every time you enter a keyword, it’s the same as when you enter ” ear ” in the address bar, Chrome will automatically suggest you to navigate to the address Emergenceingames.com so.

9. chrome://net-internals/

This is a browser-based system diagnostic tool, when you visit this site you can use features that support network diagnostics, fix problems that prevent you from accessing the network.

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In addition, this site also provides reports on bandwidth, manages connections, checks the data coming in and out on your browser.

10. chrome://thumbnails/

Address chrome://thumbnails/ has a fairly simple interface and does not have many notable functions. Here displays the websites you visit the most including their images.

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This is the hidden website on the Google Chrome browser that you find most useful to you? With these 10 hidden websites will help you perform searches, intervene in deeper editing on the Google Chrome browser, thereby have a better experience, more suitable for you when using this browser.

In addition, there is another hidden website that helps you change the new look for Chrome very beautifully, please refer to the article explore Material interface on Google Chrome for installation instructions.

Related keywords:

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Source link: Hidden websites on Google Chrome browser
– Emergenceingames.com

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