Heavy fines for players who support the Hong Kong protests, Blizzard is struggling because fans are vehemently stoned

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Attend Hearthstone World Grandmaster as a representative from Asia, Chung “blitzchung” Ng Wai made waves in the tournament when he voiced his support for the protests against the extradition law in Hong Kong right in a live interview. next before the game. Blizzard immediately deleted this video and announced that it would forfeit all prizes and ban competition gamer this within a year (Read more details at THIS).

However, this decision of Blizzard was met with a wave of fierce protests from netizens. They support Blitzchung and criticize the company harshly, saying that Blizzard is only doing it to ease its relationship with China and that it cares more about money than freedom. The hashtag #BlizzardBoycott (Boycott Blizzard) is currently trending on Twitter.

“A Hearthstone player since 2014. I’m leaving it from today.
My wife and I have been playing Hearthstone for 5 years and we still play it every day to this day. We love the game and follow all the Hearthstone tournament great. Blizzard, what a shame! I will post a video of tips for earning dust if you want, but now I’m so frustrated that I don’t even want to log into the game anymore.”

“I’ve been playing Hearthstone since early 2014 and spent around £200 and a bunch of time on the game. But today is my last day playing Hearthstone.”

“I will quit playing Hearthstone. This is not a Hong Kong-only problem.
If you continue to play, you are sending a message to Blizzard: “I agree with this, multinational companies like Blizzard will help China get rid of human rights violations.” Now a Hong Konger, just hope the next victim won’t be you.
I won’t spend another cent or a second on Blizzard products.”

“I’ve been playing Hearthstone since Beta. Blizzard is clearly only interested in the Chinese market. Controlling people’s lives is unacceptable. It’s not hard to find a video of the Hong Kong protests. Kong online and I recommend it to everyone. It’s like the bloody Tiananmen incident many years ago. Don’t make excuses, Blizzard clearly just wants to appease the Chinese market.

As someone who spent money and time to buy the game, collect all the cards but now I will quit the game. Blizzard, you’ve got a big loss. I and probably many others will do the same. It’s disappointing!”

Worth mentioning, even Blizzard employees, not all of them agree with the decision made by their superiors. Kevin Hovdestad, a former employee of the company recently posted a photo taken outside Blizzard’s headquarters, in which two of the company’s eight core values, “Every Voice Matters” and “Think Globally” were taken by employees. take the paper back.


Blizzard says it has eight “core values,” representing the company’s principles and beliefs over the years, including things like its commitment to quality, work culture, and more. but 2 The items that people are most interested in right now are:

Every Voice Matters: Great ideas are everywhere. Blizzard respects the voice of gamers and each member of the company. Every employee is encouraged to speak up, listen, respect others, and accept criticism as motivation to get better and better.

Think Globally: Everyone around the world plays Blizzard games. In addition to respecting cultural diversity, Blizzard always strives to develop and support the player community. We are always looking for the most passionate and talented people in the world to help our company grow.


Now when Blizzard agrees with the dictatorship in China and gives heavy punishments to gamers who are calling for the democratic rights of their homeland, it seems that they are going against the “core values”. its core”. Blizzard has not yet commented or responded to this issue

Source link: Heavy fines for players who support the Hong Kong protests, Blizzard is struggling because fans are vehemently stoned
– Emergenceingames.com

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