Hearthstone’s best budget decks April 2020

Hearthstone's best budget decks April 2020

One of the biggest challenges for newcomers to Hearthstone when choosing a deck is its price tag. The game can be free, but if you want to get in quickly, new players may have to spend a good amount of money to invest. There are too many Legendary for each expansion, and opening the pack does not guarantee the player will receive the cards used in the meta. The decks presented below will help you get off to a rough start, possibly taking you to Gold or even Platinum if you add a few stronger cards or if you really master the gameplay. of them. However, using these decks is very difficult to climb Diamond, let alone Legend.

Luckily for the newbies, Blizzard has been giving out freebies lately – packs, Legendary through expansions and events. In addition to the new pack opening rule (don’t open duplicates until you have 2 copies and 1 for Legendary), Hearthstone has also become a bit cheaper, but still quite expensive for new players. New players who don’t want to invest money in Hearthstone can build one, at most, two meta decks per expansion, and the problem is they can’t play what they want. So, if they decide to invest dust in a few cards and they are not as strong as expected, it is very difficult to recover from that wrong investment. It is very important for newcomers and F2P (free-to-play) players to have cheaper versions of meta decks to experiment with.

Best Budget Decks Hearthstone

Rating of budget decks

Below is a relative ranking of deck budgets. Of course, your playing skills are also important, playing well with a tier 2 deck can be better than having all of the tier 1 decks but not really mastering any decks. In addition, the meta at your rank threshold may be different from the meta in Diamond and Legend.


  • Tempo Demon Hunter
  • Spell Druid
  • Totem Shaman
  • Dragon Hunter


  • Zoo Warlock
  • Secret Galakrond Rogue
  • Pirate Warrior


  • Murloc Paladin
  • Spell Mage
  • Tempo Priest

Defining a Budget Deck

A deck budget should cost around 2500 – 3000 dust. All common and rare cards can be found, especially with the new pack opening rule you will easily get all the cards, and even if you don’t open enough packs to get them all, they’re pretty cheap to buy. craft.

Epic cards should be kept as little as possible. If a deck doesn’t really need any Epics, they will be eliminated. However, some Epics are really important and indispensable if you want to build a certain deck. Crafting them costs more dust, but is probably still within acceptable limits even for new players.

All Legendaries are unused, unless they are given away for free. The most recent Legendary given away for free was Kael’thas Sunstriderwhich all players received prior to the Ashes of Outland expansion, and prior to the Galakrond cards.

  • 0 mana TWIN SLICE x2
  • 1 mana BATTLEFIEND x2
  • 2 mana CHAOS STRIKE x2
  • 2 mana FURIOUS FELFIN x2
  • 2 mana SPECTRAL SIGHT x2
  • 2 mana UMBERWING x2
  • 3 mana EYE BEAM x2
  • 3 mana SATYR OVERSEER x2
  • 4 mana ALTRUIS THE OUTCAST xfirst
  • 6 mana SKULL OF GUL’DAN x2
  • 7 mana PRIESTESS OF FURY x2
  • 3 mana FROZEN SHADOWEAVER xfirst

Demon Hunter is the new class in Ashes of Outland, and it’s quickly becoming the strongest class in the meta. Despite being nerfed twice, Tempo Demon Hunter is probably still the best deck in the meta at the moment. Luckily for newbies, building a near-complete version of this deck doesn’t require much dust. The Basic cards as well as the cards in the Initiate set are free, many of the common and rare cards of the Ashes of Outland expansion are extremely strong for this deck’s gameplay.

Tempo Demon Hunter is a strong Aggro deck, cards with near-perfect synergy. The most important thing about this deck is to use Hero to attack, cards with direct interaction can be mentioned Battlefield nice Glaivebound Adept. The Outcast cards also pair well with Altruis the Outcast.

It can be said that this budget version is almost as strong as the full version, which means that this is the best budget deck worth investing in today. It only lacks a few cards compared to the Tempo Demon Hunter deck that is in tier 1, so this deck can completely help you climb at least to Diamond.

  • 1 mana SKY RAIDER x2
  • 1 mana UPGRADE! xfirst
  • 2 mana CORSAIR CACHE xfirst
  • 3 mana LIVEWIRE LANCE x2
  • 3 mana SKYBARGE x2
  • 4 mana KOR’KRON ELITE x2
  • 4 mana MORTAL STRIKE x2
  • 5 mana ARCANITE REAPER x2
  • 2 mana BLOODSAIL RAIDER x2
  • 4 mana DREAD CORSAIR x2
  • 4 mana HOARD PILLAGER x2

Two years ago Pirate Warrior was the scariest deck in the meta, but the fact that some Pirates were nerfed along with Fiery War Axe, it eventually disappeared (or at least was only played very limitedly and only in the Wild). When it was in Standard, the natural synergy between the weapon and the Pirate made this deck one of the most successful Aggro decks with the ability to punch 30 opponent’s health in 5-6 turns. Deck has so many ways of attacking that other decks still easily succumb even when there are tech cards aimed at it.

Pirate Warrior was played a little in Descent of Dragons, but in the end the Galakrond version proved to be more effective, so this deck was not used much. The situation doesn’t seem to have changed much in Ashes of Outland. Pirate Warrior does not have any good cards, the deck is almost unchanged from the previous expansion. Egg Warrior is currently the most popular Warrior deck in this meta (also known as Tempo Warrior). It is very difficult to build a budget version of Egg Warrior because this deck requires many epics and Legendary, without them will make the deck significantly weaker. If you want, you can also invest in an Egg Warrior deck, not too expensive, about 6000 – 7000 dust, and the full version of this deck can completely take you to Diamond.

Source: hearthstonetopdecks.com

You can read more Hearthstone articles here:

Source link: Hearthstone’s best budget decks April 2020
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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