Hearthstone: Winners and losers in the August 26 balance patch

Patch cân bằng Hearthstone
Hearthstone Balance Patch

If you’re playing Control Mage and didn’t expect the upcoming balance patch, then you should start worrying right away.

Blizzard has just announced many nerfed cards aimed at some of the strongest decks in the game at the moment. Blizzard feels these changes will make the climbing experience better for all players. However, we still recognize the advantages and disadvantages of classes in this update.


Control Mages

conjur - Emergenceingame

Control Mage is obviously one of the big reasons why this nerf happens. Over the past several months, multiple versions of Control Mage have dominated the meta. After Saviors of Uldum aired, the Mage became stronger. Cards that make the Control Mage stronger include Khadgar, Conjurer’s Calling, and Mountain Giant. Khadgar allows your Conjurer’s Calling to summon more minions with the same mana cost as the Giant.

Blizzard feels that Conjurer’s Calling allows the Mage to sometimes have too many minions on the table, leaving opponents with almost no answer. Control Mages can now be less annoying when dealing with them.

Control Warriorboommad - Emergenceingame

If Dr.Boom is really a crazy genius, then this character has risen to the crazy level of the Incredible Hulk. Since Dr. Boom is present, many feel this card is too strong. In addition to the constantly changing Hero Power, this card also gives your Mechs more Rush for the rest of the game. Boom also adds 7 armor on turn when used and before the nerf only 7 mana.

Blizzard says it still wants Dr. Boom Mad Genius was the choice for Control Warrior to end the game, but the team wasn’t happy that gamers could use it too soon. Although the card’s manacost has increased, many people still believe that this deck will continue to dominate and want this card to enter the Hall of Fame more.

Combo Priest

extra arms - Emergenceingame

Unfortunately for the Priest player, it looks like the extra hands have been removed. Blizzard said they want to counter the power of Extra Arms after Saviors of Uldum comes out. This card is intended to be buffed during the Rise of the Mech event to give Priest a stronger pick early in the game.

Hopefully Extra Arms is still strong, but don’t let Priest create too strong early game combos.

The winner

Highlander Hunter

Highlander is currently one of the best decks in the game. Unlike Highlander Mage – when Luna’s Pocket Galaxy was just nerfed – Highlander Hunter was not mentioned. Highlander Mage may not be the deck most affected, but it’s certainly not a winning deck like its brother Hunter.

Highlander Hunter will have a higher chance of going up against decks it struggled before, like Control Mage. Surely Highlander Hunter will increase the spike after the nerf goes live.


The Paladin class in general benefited greatly from this nerf. What holds many Paladin decks back is that the deck can’t compete with the mid-games of Mage and Warrior. Now that the Quest and Secret Paladin have more time to plan, you can expect to see more Finleys and legions of zombies appear.

Quest Shaman

Like Paladin, Shaman Class isn’t too bad in Saviors of Uldum, but it struggles in the mid-game against Warriors and Mage. Quest Shaman is considered potentially the strongest deck of this class at the moment, and is now even stronger.

As the Quest Shaman can get into the mid-game without consuming too many resources, Heart of Vir’naal can be unstoppable. This Hero Power causes your Battlecry to activate twice during this Hero Power activation turn. Decks like Control Mage and Control Warrior are often in a position that is too strong for Vir’naal to affect – the time when Shaman players can complete the Quest. Now, both Mage and Warrior take a long time to prepare, meaning Quest Shaman can put pressure on them early on easier.

According to Dotesports

Source link: Hearthstone: Winners and losers in the August 26 balance patch
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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