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Guide to fly around the world with Google Earth Pro

Google Earth is no longer a strange software for many people, especially tourists who want to explore lands they have never set foot in.. With Google Earth, the vast earth is now shrinking down in front of your computer screen. And in this article, Download.vn will guide you to “fly a plane” around and explore the world in Google Earth Pro.

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Guide to fly a plane in Google Earth Pro

1. Download and install.

To get started, you need to download and install Google Earth Pro version for Windows or Mac.

Next open up Google Earth Pro and look at the interface of the software. If the interface is English, you should switch to Vietnamese to make it easier to use with the following steps:

On the Menu bar select Tools -> Options….

Google Earth Pro

In the tab General you find the part Language and choose the language Vietnam, then press OK To confirm. Software will ask for a restart to apply the language change.

GG Earth Pro

2. Start Flight Simulator mode

You can open flight mode by:

  • On the bar Menu, choose Tools -> Import your Flight simulator
  • On Windows press the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + a
  • On the Mac press the shortcut: ⌘ + Option + a

GG Earth Pro

Parameter’s window Flight Simulator appears for you to choose as follows:

  • Choose your aircraft: There are 2 types of aircraft currently supported, the F-16 and the SR22. For those new to flight simulator users, we recommend the SR22. Because it has a more stable speed and easier to drive than the F-16. For those of you who already have a solid steering wheel, try driving the F-16 for more speed.
  • Choose starting position: If you want to fly right where you are viewing on the Google Earth map, select Current view. If you want to take off from under the runway, check the Airport, then select an airport that you want to take off.
  • Press Begin fly to confirm settings and enter the flight simulator.
Screen of flight simulator
Screen of flight simulator

3. Flight screen

When you enter the flight, you will see the flight screen with the displayed parameters. The meaning of each parameter is as follows:

GG Earth Pro

(1) Speed: current speed in knots

(2) Direction: the direction of the plane

(3) Tilt angle: the angle you are using to slowly rotate the aircraft to a new direction

(4) Vertical speed: speed going up or down in feet / minute

(5) Exit flight simulator: click this button to exit flight simulation mode

(6) Throttle: engine power level

(7) Rudder: the vertical axis angle of the aircraft

(8) Small wing: angle of the plane when you toss or tilt the aircraft

(9) Rudder altitude: angle and lift force of the wing

(10) Flap and gear indicator: where flaps and gears are located

(11) Throwing angle: angle between the position of the aircraft in the direction and the horizon in degrees

(12) Altitude: the number of feet above sea level at which the aircraft is flying

4. Flight control

  • Press Page Up to increase thrust and start moving the plane.
  • After the plane moves, gently move the mouse down. When it runs fast enough, the plane will take off.
  • When the plane reaches a certain height, adjust the plane to keep its balance.
  • To change direction, correct cruise, or tilt right or left, use the arrow keys.
  • To spin around, press the arrow key + Alt to spin slowly or + Ctrl for quick spin.
  • Shortcuts used in the emulator:
Act Shortcut keys (Windows and Linux) Shortcut keys (Mac)
Move left Left arrow Left arrow
Move right Right arrow Right arrow
Move up Arrow up Arrow up
Move down Down arrow Down arrow
Rotate clockwise Shift + Left arrow Shift + Left arrow
Rotate anticlockwise Shift + Right arrow Shift + Right arrow
Rotate up Shift then click and drag down Shift + Down arrow
Turn down

Shift + Up arrow

Shift then click and drag up

Shift + Up arrow
Turn downSee the perspective of the first person Ctrl then click drag ⌘ then click and drag
Enlarge + +
Zoom out
Zoom plus tilt automatically Right click and drag up or down Ctrl then click and drag up or down
Stop current motion Spacebar Spacebar
Reset to north view upwards n n
Reset tilt from top down u u
Back to the middle of Earth r r
Show / hide panorama window Ctrl + m ⌥⇧⌘ + m
The view from above of the plane
Aerial view from above

At first you may find it difficult to fly this aircraft, but just a few “fall to the ground” you will progress very quickly. The hardest part is taking off and keeping the plane from losing altitude and throwing too much. Once a stable altitude has been reached, the plane will be more balanced and stable. At this point, you can leisurely contemplate lands that you have never been to, of course from above!

Flight Simulator mode on Google Earth Pro provides an experience like a true game, although in terms of graphics and very rudimentary details. Because this is geographic software anyway. If you want to really experience a flying game, then try Flight Simulator X released by Microsoft. Wish you have moments of relaxation and explore the world with the “plane” in Google Earth Pro.

Source link: Guide to fly around the world with Google Earth Pro
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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