Gorou Genshin Impact: Everything you need to know

Gorou Genshin Impact 7 - Emergenceingame

Gorou is the first Geo-type character in Genshin Impact. Let’s find out with Download.vn How to build Gorou Genshin Impact Please!

Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact’s Gorou character creation

Gorou is a 4 star character in Genshin Impact, was released on December 14, 2021. Currently Gorou is part of Itto’s banner, Oni’s Royale.

Introducing Gorou Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact’s Gorou Biography

Genshin Impact Gorou is a member of the anti-Vision anti-hunting movement and has an easygoing, outspoken personality that is unafraid to draw his sword for the benefit of his friends & subordinates.

In terms of appearance, Gorou is a young man with beautiful skin like a human but has animal features, similar to Diona. Gorou has pointed ears that stand straight up and a tail of the same color. This character wears a thin armor, exposing his body for flexible movement. Gorou was born on May 18, but for now, the character’s age is still a secret.

The design of Gorou Genshin Impact is very popular with fans
The design of Gorou Genshin Impact is very popular with fans

Gorou’s skill in Genshin Impact

Overall, Gorou is a good support character for the team. He can also deal damage based on defense level with Elemental Burst. However, it takes a lot of energy. In terms of exploration, Gorou is one of the best choices.

Normal attack

  • Performs up to 4 bow attacks, dealing physical damage.
  • Massive Attack: Aim more accurately, while increasing damage. An energetic crystal arrow deals Geo-type damage.
  • Attack on Land: Fires a rain of arrows in the air before falling and hitting the ground, dealing damage on AoE.
Gorou uses a massive attack
Gorou uses a massive attack

Elemental skills

Gorou deals Geo damage on AoE and sets up a General’s War banner. This banner provides up to 3 buffs to activate the character, based on the number of Geo users in the team.

  • 1 Geo character: Increases defense.
  • 2 Geo-type characters: Increased resistance to interruption
  • 3 Geo-type characters: Increases Geo-type damage.

Only one banner on the battlefield at a time. Do not stack multiple banners. The player can hold the button to adjust the position of the skill.

Gorou unleashes elemental burst skill
Gorou unleashes elemental burst skill

Elemental Burst: War General

Gorou’s Burst deals Geo damage and creates an area of ​​General’s Glory, powering up the characters inside, based on the number of Geo-type characters on the team. However, this area moves with the active character.

Every 1.5 seconds, create a Crystal Collapse that deals Geo damage in the Aoe and drags an elemental fragment to the active character’s location. This burst destroys all War banners and Gorou cannot create new banners when it is activated.

With the above abilities, Gorou can become an effective supporter in Itto’s team.

How to build Gorou in Genshin Impact

Basically, Gorou was born to support Itto so you can only build as a DPS character because his damage is quite low.

  • Best Weapon for Gorou: Favonius Warbow
  • Best Relic for Gorou: Husk of Opulent Dreams
  • Suggest the best squad:
    • Gorou + Arataki Itto + Albedo + Raiden Shogun
    • Gorou + Noelle + Geo Traveler + Kaeya

Here are suggestions how to build Gorou in Genshin Impact. Hope the article is useful to you.

Source link: Gorou Genshin Impact: Everything you need to know
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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