Fix “Out of Memory” lack of memory, lack of RAM when playing Minecraft

40181 - Emergenceingame
The error of lack of RAM when playing Minecraft, also known as Out of Memory, is when the player loads too many scenes but the specified RAM level is not allowed, leading to an Out of Memory error that causes

Error of lack of RAM when playing Minecraft, Out of Memory Actually, it’s not because your computer is too weak because the computer configuration to play Minecraft is not heavy at all. Any mid-range computer today can meet it PC configuration to play Minecraft Currently.

RAM is out of memory when playing minecraft

Instructions to fix the lack of RAM when playing Minecraft


Minecraft’s problem when it says Out of Memory is not because your computer doesn’t have enough RAM for Minecraft, but because of the default Minecraft system. RAM has 1GB with 128MB graphics only. compared to today’s computers this is too low a number. So you can adjust this number to help fix the lack of RAM when playing Minecraft today.

Step 1: To fix the lack of RAM when playing Minecraft, we still proceed to log in normally.

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Step 2: However, at the next step, you do not rush into the game but choose Edit Profile.

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Step 3: In section Profile Editor Please tick this part JVM Arguments.

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Step 4: Immediately you will see the next line of code light up and we will edit this code as follows:

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-> Here you see there are 2 values -Xmx1G, -Xmn128M corresponds to the RAM value as well as the vRAM of the graphics card that Minecraft leaves by default. To change you just change to -Xmx2G and -Xmn512M, of course you can set it to a higher level if you want. For us setting 2GB RAM and 512MB vRam is more than enough.

-> so the code will turn into:

-Xmx2G -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -Xmn512M.

->Note is that after setting up, click Save Profile.

Step 5: So the error of lack of RAM when playing Minecraft has been fixed and now you just need to go to the game to check.

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Step 6: Choose any part to play in Minecraft, it doesn’t matter which part and just enter the game.

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Step 7: Come in your game press F3 A long list of parameters will appear, looking at the right corner you will see the corresponding RAM number that you have set up.

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If the number is correct with the amount of RAM you set, the error of lack of RAM when playing Minecraft has been completely eliminated, you will never fall into the Out of Memory state again.

Above are all the ways to help you quickly fix the lack of RAM when playing Minecraft, with this RAM shortage error, the solution is too simple, right guys, just change 2 parameters and you can play Minecraft smoothly. without fear of errors.
For those who regularly experience Minecraft on the computer, don’t forget to bring along some Minecraft code, using Minecraft code is not bad but is also recommended because it helps players get the best experience.

Related keywords:

low RAM when playing minecraft

, out of memory when playing minecraft, play minecraft out of memory,

Source link: Fix “Out of Memory” lack of memory, lack of RAM when playing Minecraft

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