FIFA Online 4: Legacy Defending and Tactical Defending Comparison

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How is the defense system in FIFA Online 4 defending, gamers who have just played FIFA Online 4 for the first time often complain that the defense in the game is too difficult, due to the defense system named Tactical Defending in FIFA Online 4 is now completely different from Legacy Defending in FIFA Online 3.

FO 4 Defending

For gamers who have joined FIFA for a long time, they can easily realize that the defense system of FIFA Online 4 is Tactical Defending, a new type of defense and harder to use than Legacy Defending like on FIFA Online 3. so many, so much. So what is Legacy Defending and Tactical Defending? How it works, let’s compare these two types of defense and choose for yourself the best defensive play.

FIFA Online 4

FIFA Online 4: Legacy Defending and Tactical Defending Comparison

What is Legacy Defending? Advantages and disadvantages

If anyone has played FIFA Online 3, it will be no stranger to Legacy Defending, its advantage is an automatic defense system, almost every action during defense such as moving, tackling the ball, reading. situation, ball cut and both cover are encapsulated in two fast run button and kick button (E + D keys by default). You only need to hold these two keys to let your player dispute the ball with your team’s player. Pressing A to tuck the ball again is your perfect defense system.

FO 4 Defending

However, it has the disadvantage that it is too easy to be caught because the players’ movements are almost only one style. If observant and grasped, the opponent can completely give skills or passes to eliminate players who are watching the ball easily with their judgment. And if they use Q to change people too much, your defense will reveal more holes for the opponent to exploit, like your player moves a lot.

FO 4 Defending

That is why Tactical Defending recently appeared, this is a defensive control system that is harder than Legacy Defending but better defending. It takes more of your control and harder to catch.

What is Tactical Defending? Advantages and disadvantages

For example, when defending a situation on the opponent’s ball, instead of pressing E + D as before you have to move the player in the direction to defend. This is a new type of defense applied and quite difficult to use, you need to accurately time to “stick the wheel”. Combined with teammates press the corner to get the ball.

FO 4 Defending

This will help you have more options in defense, although in FO3, the players still use a card defense instead of the default Legacy Defending defense of the game. Players will limit straying and move more sensibly.

FO 4 Defending

Simply understand, Legacy Defending uses an AI artificial intelligence system to control a defensive player without much effort, while using Tactical Defending will cost you more but effectively. than.

In general, Legacy Defending is easy to get used to and easy to use because your operation will be much less when using it, but with Tactical, you will have to develop a specific strategy in mind first, then deploy defense. as desired. If you have a veteran coach, you will have a better defensive thinking and more proactive in using Tactical Defending.

Source link: FIFA Online 4: Legacy Defending and Tactical Defending Comparison

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