Facebook collects user information to protect employees

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Responding to the media about its security tactics on Thursday, the social networking giant Facebook said it collects user information to identify people who threaten the company or its employees.

As reported by CNBC, they interviewed more than a dozen former Facebook security employees about the security issue of today’s leading social network.

Facebook collects user information to protect employees

Speaking to AFP, Facebook spokesman Anthony Harrison said the company’s physical security team exists to protect its employees and that strict procedures are in place to protect user privacy. .

“Any claim that the physical security team is out of bounds is completely untrue. They use industry-standard compliance measures to assess and address violent threats,” said Harrison. force employees and the company, and refer these threats to law enforcement agencies if necessary.”

According to CNBC, Facebook regularly updates a list of people that members of the company’s security team should “be on the lookout for” because of threatening statements. This list, called BOLO, consists mainly of former employees of the company who committed misconduct.

In addition, according to CNBC, Facebook exploits the social network about threats to the company or its employees, and even the company’s watch list includes images of the threatening person.

As for threats to Facebook or Facebook employees, the security team is said to have the ability to track the people behind these threats using location data from the social network’s apps or websites. festival.

In addition, the social networking giant also firmly affirms that its security procedures are designed to protect users’ privacy, while strictly complying with data protection laws and terms. social network services.

Facebook said that in cases of credible threats of violence against employees, the social network will use public data and terms to determine how close a user is behind the threat. with employees or corporate offices.

How to check what information Facebook collects is also quite simple, you just need to follow the instructions on our article through a few steps. Check out what information Facebook collects from you for better account protection modes.

Facebook is a social network account with a lot of personal information provided by users that is easy to leak, users can use facebook 2-layer security method to better protect their account, see instructions. Facebook’s 2-layer security guide is specifically presented on Taimienphi.

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Facebook collects user information to protect employees

Facebook collects user information, Facebook,

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– Emergenceingames.com

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