Entangled in racist controversy, Genshin Impact is being called for by the people to boycott

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#boycottgenshinimpact (boycott Genshin Impact) is currently one of the most popular hashtags on Twitter with over 10,000 tweets. miHoYothe developer of Genshin Impact also faced criticism from some fans after some racist and pedophile content was discovered.


It is not clear where the boycott hashtag first appeared, but it seems to be related to a post by a Twitter account named “venluvr” who shared a video posted by miHoYo late last year to introduce to the company’s fan office in Shanghai (China). The video features a scene where a developer is using material, apparently about Native American dance, to design inspiration for hilichurls, one of Genshin Impact’s main villains. Although only a few seconds, this clip has sparked a lot of controversy about how miYoHo creates a bad character in the game.

Hilichurls are humanoid creatures but are one of the main enemy types that players need to fight throughout the game. Described as an indigenous people of Teyvat, they dress up and perform their own tribal dances and rituals. In Genshin Impact, Hilichurls are clearly evil, stupid, and uncultured villains. In a word, Hilichurls are monsters – and it is inspired by Native Americans in the real world. “Our culture is no joke. It’s not fun and I’m really disappointed. A lot of people feel the same way as I do,” one Twitter user wrote.


Not stopping there, when the hashtag began to spread, many other unstable content of Genshin Impact was also pulled out. Two characters, Xinyan and Kaeya, also became the center of controversy when Xinyan, who has a characteristic brown skin, was also described as a cruel, scary person. Meanwhile, Kaeya is called “weird”, in reference to body-shaming others.

Also involved is NPC Ulfr, who has admitted to falling in love with Flora – a character who is still a child. Actually in the closed beta, Flora was portrayed as a grown woman but for some reason, in the official release, miHoYo turned Flora into a baby and this continues to add fuel to the oil. fire.


Besides, there are also mixed opinions that a part of players is too sensitive. In the case of Kaeya, for example, “strange” is said to be a mistranslation of the original Chinese word, in fact it simply refers to him as an immigrant to Teyvat. The post “#BoycottMihoYo is so stupid” has now had nearly 2,000 comments, many of which have defended Genshin Impact and the game’s developer.

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Source link: Entangled in racist controversy, Genshin Impact is being called for by the people to boycott
– Emergenceingames.com

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