Dota 2: Riki .’s Guide to Confrontation

Dota 2: Riki .'s Guide to Confrontation

Riki is rampant in pubs at all ranks and it seems that bringing “detection” doesn’t always work. We have discussed why Riki is strong right now, and today’s article will explore how to deal with this annoying hero.

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One of the biggest problems with Riki is that the hero can play both as a support and as a core, and the two are so different that your team has to find different ways to adapt. Check the opponent’s profile, use the elimination method in the draft formation – it doesn’t matter which method you use, but you need to know where Riki you’re going to play, that will open the way for your team.


Support Riki is greedy, annoying, but can be handled with good positioning and a good map feel. As long as you know where Riki might be, you can play actively in a lane where the hero is unlikely to be, while playing more passively in the lane where Riki is.

Riki’s greed can be compared with Bounty Hunter and Slardar, both great counters to Riki and pretty good in the current meta, if the opponent plays greedy. BH allows you to farm more than your opponent and gives early-game teaming an economic advantage. BH can also quickly level up Force Staff – an item that always gives a great benefit when fighting Riki. Slardar is a good laner and can support offlane quite well, while always being a threat to the enemy core.

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Riki and Bounty Hunter

Don’t give Riki a chance to rush, play passively and Riki will face the age-old problem most roamers have in the meta – the hero will slow down and have a hard time keeping up with everyone.


Confronting core Riki is very different. While Support Riki is often greedy, core Riki usually just wants to work as soon as possible when he has some first items and talents. The weak laning also hinders the ability to get the last hit without losing stealth, so this hero will farm a bit, despite the enemy’s efforts.

Against core Riki, you want the squad to be able to balance or survive his initiative. This hero is slow to farm, so as long as you don’t feed him, Riki will be left behind. Another very important point when fighting core Riki is the ability to protect your turrets. Riki can’t push too fast, so you’ll have time to react.

This prevents Riki from controlling the map and safe areas. Once your map control has shrunk due to the loss of axes, you’ll need to use gold to increase vision and stealth detection, while Riki will have multiple attack angles and multiple lanes to go undetected. presently.

Go in groups and push, but protect the turrets first. Play passively when you have no defensive options for cores and supports, and most importantly, don’t feed. Only push the highground and fountain when you’re sure there’s no way the enemy can isolate an object. And must have a clear vision in the combat area.


Riki dominates in every lane, unless the hero plays in safelane or roams. One thing you can do is switch lanes – both support and core Riki work best against an enemy carry, when he’s not a threat and wants to farm, so don’t give Riki that chance. It’s hard to go unnoticed when switching lanes against a hero that’s always invisible, but it’s worth the trade-off.

Actively playing trilane is also worth considering, as long as everyone knows what they need to do. There are many heroes that can counter Riki + another hero in lane, while your trilane can punish the enemy core, get early build for carry and defend your lane well against Riki’s ganks. Sometimes trying to salvage a lane that’s lost in the draft doesn’t make the game worse for both sides.


Riki drains your team’s resources. While core heroes can farm more than Riki by hitting creeps, supports will always have a hard time. Both cores and supports have to understand this and play it right: you can’t just die in front of Riki.

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To do that, you need items for your supports, but they also need to buy stealth detectors. As a core, you can reduce the burden by buying Dust yourself from time to time. It is very important to close the gap and unleash the potential. You can’t just rely on just one inflexible, poorly farmed hero to build stealth detectors for your team.

You also need to be together if you don’t know where Riki is. This will save your team a lot of gold, as you will need less sentry when playing only in part of the map. And it helps teammates not die, or at least change lives.

What we often see pro players do, and more specifically against Riki, is sacrifice the entire lane, usually offlane, to play around mid and safelane. From there, sentries will spend less gold.

Still try to protect your turrets if possible, especially early game, but don’t try to push lanes, if your sentries are already located elsewhere on the map.


By playing passively in the stealth detection area to its fullest effect, you can save a lot of money on building support. Force Staff is usually the first choice, but depending on the game, Glimmer Cape, Ghost Scepter, and Aeon Disk are all great.

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Don’t try to win with active items. Your main goal in the game against Riki is to be stable, farm more, and build better. As long as you don’t die and waste your gold, Riki won’t be your obstacle.

It should be noted the level 20 talent of this hero, as it increases the range of the teamfights and escapes with incredible distances. Finish the match before support Riki gets there or play extremely carefully against core Riki in the mid-late game. Any single target without Force Staff support is a money printer for the enemy Riki.

According to Dotabuff

Source link: Dota 2: Riki .’s Guide to Confrontation

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