Dota 2: Learn about Ogre Magi, the most popular hero at TI9

Dota 2: Learn about Ogre Magi, the most popular hero at TI9

Ogre Magi is one of the featured heroes of The International 2019. This hero was not very successful, but was extremely popular during the event. Why is Ogre Magi so respected by pros and what can we learn from them?


The latest patch has brought a change to this hero, which is to reduce the base attack by 4 points. While this patch did not make the hero much weaker, now the community is debating what is the best way to build skills for Ogre Magi.

At TI9, a new build for Ogre Magi appeared: pro players would initially skip Ignite altogether in favor of Fireblast and Bloodlust. This is the trend for position 3 and 5 Ogre Magi. It increases farming speed so that Ogre Magi can carry, as well as adding shock potential for damage.

This skill build is also effective in lane, it easily helps Ogre Magi and his teammates to hit hands very well, and ensures not to consume a lot of mana. However, with Ogre Magi hand damage reduced in the last patch, many people are now going against the trend to return to the basic way of playing: 1 point for Bloodlust and maximum damage.

The basic way to level up is the most preferred by Ogre Magi position 5 players because they don’t care about farming and need to level up quickly. Overall, both of these skill builds are worth considering for both Ogre Magi core and support. In addition, we also have a third option, suitable only for support gamers.


The traditional method 1-4-1-1 when reaching level 7 is still used. Ignite is still Ogre Magi’s most damaging move – it deals 400 damage at level 4, equivalent to 2x multicast of Fireblast level 4.

dota 2 huong dan ogre magi ti9 1 - Emergenceingame

The problem is that it does damage in the long run. 8 seconds is a very long time for enemies to heal and purge Ignite’s effects. This move is most effective against heroes that escape slowly as well as when the combat phase is long.

This is also one of the better builds for defending if your team is playing passively. Maximizing Ignite will kill enemy ranged creeps and if multicast, it will wipe out all remaining creeps in lane with a single cast.

A point into Bloodlust is almost a must as the bonus movement speed boosts farm speed considerably, even by just 1 point, in addition to being beneficial in teamfight.


This build focuses on burst damage in teamfight. Although Ignite can deal a lot of damage, Fireblast (level 4) has a much lower cooldown. As long as Ogre Magi can last long enough in the frontline, this build will be much better in damage than the above mentioned build.

Staying here includes both HP and Mana. Although Ogre Magi is basically a tank hero, he can still be quickly killed by a burst. Due to Fireblast’s short cast range, Ogre Magi is forced to reveal his location to deal damage and stun. That’s why the core Ogre Magi usually go to Hood of Defiance early, usually after getting Midas.

Solar Crest is also an extremely effective item when you don’t worry about instant magic damage, as it adds both Strength and Intelligence, as well as increasing the hero’s health and mana. And yet, Shine Solar Crest’s can multicast and it’s one of the most overlooked effects right now, at least in pubs.

This build is weak against heroes with mana-burning moves, since Ogre Magi at this point is highly likely to only use one or two Fireblasts. If it weren’t for the above lineup, the Ogre Magi core is extremely effective against other drafts.

We also have the option to build 4-1-1-1 , but the only reason to go this route is when the team really needs to slow down, since level 1 Ignite’s damage isn’t really strong after the first 5 minutes of the game. .


This is a very rare build support, only used when all early game plans are ‘broken’. You’re up against a strong dual or tri-lane, your position 4 support isn’t reliable to fix the lane and the only path to health is that your fellow laner can get into the jungle early.

In other words, this is how to build when “teammate picks Terrorblade first and gets a heavy counter in lane”, something like that. In this situation, the best course of action is to make sure your teammates get something up in the right amount of time, and that means going up in a painful 1-1-4-1 direction.

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Your usefulness in combat is only a 20% slow and channeling ability. Ogre Magi’s damage is extremely low, you can’t get any items. And if you lose, Ogre Magi will be the hero that gets ‘blame’ the most. But this is the right choice in the worst case, because it increases the probability of the team winning to the highest.

Since you’re almost forced to leave the lane, you won’t be able to use Ignite to clear enemy creeps, so the traditional build doesn’t work. Without farming, Ogre Magi can’t stand in front and deal enough damage with Fireblast, so this build is also abandoned. What you can do is make sure one of your team’s cores items up on schedule and start rotating constantly, trying to get the most out of your slows and stuns. In some cases, winning another lane is seen as a more practical option than trying to salvage a losing lane.


The last part of this article will probably be the most controversial, but choosing the +100 Cast Range talent at level 10 is considered the right thing to do in most games. Talent GPM is great, it ensures you have enough gold and buy wards, but stats show that +100 Cast Range gives better results.

Core Orge Magi with Hand of Midas don’t have to worry about running out of gold. On the other hand, supports are really affected the most as heroes often die as soon as they reveal their location while trying to cast Fireblast, a skill that only has a 500 cast range. Talent +100 Cast Range helps in all combat. , allowing the hero to choose a better position. It also helps you catch opponents that would normally be out of your reach without this talent.

This doesn’t mean that all GPM talent is bad or that you have to choose cast range talent because the enemy lineup is mostly melee. Let’s analyze this talent together.

Most ranged heroes have an attack range of around 600, while Fire Blast with talent will have a cast range of 575. If ranged enemy heroes want to attack you, they must come within range of the Ogre Magi’s stun.

With the Ogre Magi core, the opponent hero cannot attack you freely, and it is more difficult to ‘kite’ the Ogre Magi. This allows you to focus on defensive and auxiliary items for the team. With support, it will help the hero enjoy the game and contribute to the teamfight more.

Aether Lens costs 2350 gold and for GPM to bring that much gold it takes Ogre Magi almost 30 minutes after reaching level 10. Not to mention unreliable gold can be lost, so surviving and contributing in teamfight makes a lot of money. economic advantage.

Other talent choices are neither as important nor as impactful. The health and damage selection statistics show that damage is picked more often, but mostly players choose it to push turrets when the team has gained an advantage.

+40 Strength vs. +60 Bloodlust attack speed depends on battle and allies. In most games, the first pick is preferred, especially when you’re playing the Ogre Magi core, but the second pick is extremely useful when you have Strength carries on your team – as they often lack damage.

In the end, +300 Fireblast Damage is a game changer for this hero and is the talent that is always chosen when Ogre Magi reaches level 25. With the ability to nuke 2160 damage and take only 8 seconds cooldown is an unbelievable number. +75 movement speed has a higher win rate, but only 10% of the total Ogre Magi games have reached level 25, which is too small for analysis. Gamers can simply toy with the talent set when they have almost won.

According to Dotabuff

Source link: Dota 2: Learn about Ogre Magi, the most popular hero at TI9

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