Dota 2 is about to have a new “hacking” system like CSGO

Dota 2 chuan bi co them he thong soi hack giong CSGO1a3eb11b80b6d7eb - Emergenceingame

Valve containment is in progress vandalism and fraud in Dota 2 by measures such as implementing a system similar to Overwatch’s CS: GO to allow qualified and experienced players to review and report such conduct.

First launched in 2013, Overwatch system allows CS:GO players to post gameplay clips that contain cheating. The clips are passed on to an “investigator” who examines the clip to determine reported behavior. The names of the user who posted the clip, the person being reported, and the investigator are all kept confidential so personal retaliation will not happen.

CS:GO’s Overwatch is primarily focused on cheaters rather than malicious acts. The Counter-Strike blog explains that: “The penalty for violators will be based on their behavior. Violators will get a reduced penalty, while cheaters will be banned from the game entirely. “.


Valve said in the most recent Dota 2 update: “To address malicious and destructive behavior from players, we are building a new Overwatch system that is similar in some aspects to the system. in CS:GO. While we’re not ready to reveal more information on this yet, we’ll share it with the community as soon as we can.We hope to bring this system into the game as soon as possible. .”

Valve also said that Dota 2’s ability to detect smurf accounts has been significantly improved and is now starting the process of filtering this account type in matchmaking. Valve said: “Smurf accounts are now very likely to only be able to play with other Smurf accounts. Smurf accounts also have a higher chance of receiving negative points to limit the negative impact in the game. They I’ve also made some improvements to make the MMR calculation for new accounts faster and more accurate, but there’s still a lot of work to be done in this regard. However, those measures are currently in the research/trial phase.”

The same treatment is being applied to accounts using boosters: Valve says more than 14,000 accounts have been banned in the past 30 days, and that it has “established a system of consecutive bans for this type of account.” booster.”


Source link: Dota 2 is about to have a new “hacking” system like CSGO

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