Dota 2: How to play Clinkz support

Dota 2: How to play Clinkz support


Once again, the strange support hero this time was started by Nigma and their captain KuroKy. Perhaps a few pub players claimed to be the first to play Clinkz as a Support, but it was KuroKy who brought this style of play to the big stage, and won.

In the WeSave tournament! Charity Play EU & CIS, Nigma picked Clinkz support 5 times in the playoffs, with a 3-2 record with this hero.

In the semi-final against Team Liquid, KuroKy picked Clinkz in every game in the 4-game series despite losing the first game.

In the final against HellRaisers, KuroKy picked Clinkz one more time and lost.

As a result, as we have seen, Nigma has a positive record with Clinkz support in the big tournament against strong opponents. In most games, Nigma gives Clinkz support in the aggro trilane.

With the changes to the creep lane setup in recent patches, Dota seems to have broken the standard of 2 1 2 lanes to return to the more mobile gameplay of the old Dota days. Or maybe KuroKy got bored after playing Dota for more than 10 years and he misses playing carry.

Clinkz - Emergenceingame


According to the meta page on Dotabuff, Clinkz has a 52.99% win rate in the Divine/Immortal tier with a 1.34% pick rate in the offlane. In Ancient, Clinkz has a 51.23% win rate with a 1.07% pick rate.

This puts the hero in 16th place with the best win rate in the Divine/Immortal tier in Offlane, and 38 in the Ancient tier. These are not too bad numbers when Clinkz itself has no other function in Dota except right-clicking.


Clinkz support shines in the early game. During the laning phase, you have the freedom to harass your opponent’s carry safelane with Searing Arrows as this allows you to hit the opponent’s arm without triggering the creeps to attack you.

If an enemy carry or support wants to harass you, they will most likely trigger creeps to attack them, unless there is a right-click modifier like Clinktz. If you are near the creeps in this right-click match, you have an advantage because you will not trigger the creeps to attack you, and Searing Arrows also deals bonus damage.

If the opponent can’t resist the harassment, then your offlane teammates are free to do what they want: harass the opponent or deny and last hit the creeps.

clinkz dota 2 2 - Emergenceingame

Clinkz is also a hero that can roam around the early game map more easily than most other heroes. Clinkz has a Skeleton Walk for increased movement speed and stealth, so you can move quickly around the map without being detected. You can suddenly appear in mid and harass mid opponent with right click.

Clinkz’s weakness is paper blood. It’s one of the softest heroes in the game, but thanks to Death Pact (now a base move), you get extra health as well as use it to farm. This eliminates low health and poor farming ability when playing in the support position.

After the beginning of the game, Clinkz’s effectiveness gradually decreases. Hero does not have disable moves like other supports like Lion or Shadow Shaman nor rescue moves like Oracle or Dazzle. Clinkz only does damage, so if you can’t deal a lot of physical damage in a short time, you are almost a ranged creep.

This needs to be remedied with a few items like Diffusal Blade or Orchid’s Malovolence, but if you can’t farm (which is common as a support) then this could be an issue.


Clinkz is a hero who hasn’t played as a support before, but has delivered surprising results. Hero has a pretty high win rate at high tiers in Dota even though he doesn’t stun, slow, heal, or save teammates. Just a handshake.

clinkz dota 2 1 - Emergenceingame

The author’s experience with this hero is not so great. The laning phase is fine, can harass enemy carries easily and they can’t last hit without eating lots of Searing Arrows.

The mid and late game is a different story. Hero can jungling well but in team fight, the author doesn’t feel very effective. If Clinkz doesn’t contribute a lot of damage, then the hero doesn’t contribute much.

However, Clinkz support has a lot of potential. If you get used to playing with Cliknz support strategy, you can find this hero extremely effective, no matter the position. Hero can move very well around the map, help initiating fights with his vision, deal great damage and can jungling well.

Clinkz is not good at areas where he is not strong. Heroes don’t have natural disables and if they can’t deal damage, scout, farm or split push, Clinkz is probably pretty useless.

According to dotabuff

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