Dota 2: Guide to play new hero Mars

Hướng dẫn chơi Mars
Instructions for playing Mars

Dota 2 has just added a new hero Mars, the Greek god of war. Let’s learn how to play Mars most effectively.


That’s Mars’ voiceline at level 25 if you own Dota Plus, so it’s time to plow on this hero! But before picking this carry yourself and helping the team lose the game, let’s take a look at some of the strategies you can employ.

Hướng dẫn chơi Mars - Emergenceingame

Obviously Mars is not the auto-attack hero you usually see and this is a strength champion, which means that Mars is suitable for playing in the tank position.

Choose a location for your spear

First, the three skill sets of Mars are to move or knock the opponent, so you need to know your position to push the opponent into a difficult position. The first skill (Q), Spears of Mars, allows you to push 1 or 2 heroes (if hit) towards walls, terrain or trees. If you push them into that position, the stun duration will last longer.

Hướng dẫn chơi Mars 1 - Emergenceingame

So, an effective combo is a support combo like Bane’s Sleep, Lich’s Sinister Gaze, or any stun that lasts long enough to get Mars behind the enemy and cast Q on him. During the laning phase or high ground defense, you can push the opponent out of a safe position and towards you and finish him off.

Bristleback upgraded version

Next, Mars is definitely a strong offlane hero for a number of reasons, mainly due to his 3rd skill, Bulwark (E). This skill blocks a lot of damage when the opponent attacks you directly. It has a much better structure than Bristleback because you can last hit without worrying about turning your back.

Hướng dẫn chơi Mars 2 - Emergenceingame

Of course, Mars still leaves an opening if he needs to escape, because he will turn his back to the opponent. Therefore, even though this skill is strong, you should only raise one level and focus on skill 2, considered the strongest skill of Mars, God’s Rebuke (W).

Harassing the opponent

Next, the main skill that attracts Mars the most is W, the hero’s main source of damage. Imagine it’s Centaur’s Double Edge (and doesn’t damage itself) plus the crit recoil is almost 3 times that amount of damage!

Hướng dẫn chơi Mars 3 - Emergenceingame

Costing only 55 mana, this move allows you to harass the enemy while lane. Since it’s a crit-based move, the higher your damage, the higher the chance you’ll be able to shoot an enemy on the countdown board.

Play support if you want

Want to play Mars but don’t want to carry? No problem! While not the best support hero, Mars can still be a good tank support. Unlike normal supports that are weak and easy to die, Mars can take hits before carry. And if things go awry, use your spear and (Q) to push your opponent into the tree. Or if a bunch of heroes rush to kill you, push them away with your big shield!

Hướng dẫn chơi Mars 4 - Emergenceingame

Thanks to skills that help repel the enemy, Mars is able to save his carry from escaping. Using Q or W is usually enough to help the carry escape, but if things get critical, don’t forget you can put the cage down to tie the enemy down for 5 seconds!

Isolate the opponent

As mentioned, Mars is a good repositioning hero that can push opponents out of their comfort zone. Mars’s 1st move is simply Skewer plus stun. Another useful strategy that will help you get more Commends after winning the game is to Blink, blink behind the enemy, use skills on them (or a carry), and use your ultimate on the enemy carry. .

Hướng dẫn chơi Mars 5 - Emergenceingame

That carry’s ally cannot join the battle for 5 seconds because Arena blocks all damage from inside and outside the ring. That’s when your teammates can participate in handling the opponent’s carry. If that carry dies, you have a high chance of winning the game thanks to the 5vs4 advantage.


Finally, Mars is a good initiator hero and strong teamfight when he knows combos with his teammates. Mars possesses a skill set that can cluster enemy heroes while disabling them, which is the key to winning the game. Mars’ W skill causes AoE crit, which means all heroes within this small range will be hit.

As for the build, focus on 2 aspects that make this hero strong, position and crit damage. Attack Modifiers like Desolator and Satanic will increase damage, while the best placement item you can get is obviously the Blink Dagger. If you want to get really good at Mars, follow the gameplay of professional players.

According to VP Esports

Source link: Dota 2: Guide to play new hero Mars

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