Dota 2: Exciting Interaction Between Snapfire’s Scepter and Pudge

scepter cho pudge
scepter for pudge

Dota 2 is a game with a lot of interesting details and a large number of heroes with unique skills, leading to some interesting interactions. This section will take a look at Snapfire’s new ‘Gobble Up’ and ‘Spit Out’ skills, as well as how Pudge’s Dismember interacts in Dota 2 after the hero acquires Aghanim’s Scepter. Let’s take a look at the skill description of these greens:

Scapfire Scepter: Mortimer swallows a creep or allied hero, to spit at enemies. Troops stay in Mortimer’s stomach for up to 3 seconds. Mortimer spits out troops in his mouth, dealing damage and stuns in a large area. The spit leaves a puddle of fire that slows and deals damage over time.

Pudge Scepter: Dismember can be cast on allied heroes, including shadows, except for hero creeps. Provides strong dispel and prevents projectiles from flying at the target when cast. This allied hero is immune to everything (invelnerable, spell immune) while being swallowed.

(1) Snapfire’s Gobble Up and Spit Out are great ways to initiate teamfights with heroes with game-changing ultimates, but will prevent channeling.

When Snapfire is on Aghanim’s Scepter, people often think it’s the best combo with Enigma and Tidehunters. These two heroes are spit on the enemy to launch Black Hole or Ravage. The advantage of Spit Out is that it has a range of 3000, and stuns enemies when a teammate lands, so you have time to turn on BKB to make sure no one can stop you while chaneling. However, Gobble Up can block the channel, so you can’t have Engima channeling Black Hole already when Snapfire swallows and spits out the hero.

(2) Underlord Reality Rift countdown continues when hero is swallowed by Pudge or Snapfire

Reality Rift is not channeling, it’s tp delay, so Reality Rift continues even if Underlord is thrown to another location, or swallowed. This is beneficial in many situations. Snapfire can swallow Underlord with his ultimate turned on and spit the hero at teammates who need to escape quickly and also in case Underlord uses his ultimate but is about to die. Snapfire or Pudge can swallow Underlord to keep the hero alive, allowing the team to escape safely!

Interaction in Dota 2

(3) Gobble Up doesn’t end Legion Commander’s Duel, but Dismemer does

Dual is a skill that has a different interaction between Gobble Up and Dismember. Even if Snapfire throws the duel hero away, the ‘Taunt’ effect is still there and the hero and Legion Commander will walk towards each other to end the Duel when the hero lands. Meanwhile, Duel ends immediately when Pudge dismember hero is duel. It makes Pudge’s green club a great Duel counter.

(4) Winter’s Curse Taunt remains the same in both cases

Winter’s Curse objects can be saved by swallowing, but Taunt keeps the same heroes attacking the target that will start following Snapfire/Pudge (due to swallowing heroes hit by Winter’s Curse). However, this method requires you to enable BKB!

(5) Sven that flies in while casting Storm Hammer on a target can be blocked when the target is swallowed, but the Storm Hammer continues and stuns the swallowing hero.

This is a rather strange interaction. Sven with Aghanim’s Scepter will fly straight at enemy heroes when using Storm Hammer. As described, Sven’s flight will stop when the subject is swallowed by Snapfire or Pudge. But Storm Hammer doesn’t stop there! It still flies and stuns Snapfire/Pudge. However, this can be a good way to save the core being targeted by Sven in teamfights. It also prevents Sven from getting close to the target hero.

(6) Subject of False Promise (Oracle) that is about to die when swallowed by Pudge will live as long as it is in Pudge’s stomach, but will die when released

The hero that has taken a lot of damage while under the False Promise effect and will surely die, can be temporarily saved when swallowed by the Pudge Dismember, but the hero will not heal as you would expect. Hero only lives for as long as Dismember, but will die when released. It’s not useful on most heroes, but can be useful for Wraith King (or Undying with a level 25 talent) while Resurrection is on cooldown. Swallow the hero until the skill cools off, and when he jumps out, he will respawn again!

(7) Any other critical damage can be blocked by Dismember

With the exception of False Promise, any damage that is about to kill an ally can be blocked by swallowing that hero. Hero hit by Doom, Poison Nova or Ice Blast can live in Pudge’s stomach until the effect disappears and health is restored.

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