Dota 2: Arcana Queen of Pain is out, incredibly beautiful

Dota 2: Arcana Queen of Pain is out, incredibly beautiful
What will the heroes in Dota 2 do if they step out in real life?

While everyone is busy plowing the Battle Pass TI10, Valve has released the Arcana of Queen of Pain – the same manga that could reveal the hero will be released in the future.

It’s been almost three weeks since we saw the Battle Pass for The International 10. Along with that, gamers are also aware of the presence of three obtainable Arcana sets. The first is The One True King Bundle which unlocks at level 375, while the Arcana Queen of Pain and Windrunner remain a secret. A few hours ago, Valve decided to introduce Arcana Queen of Pain with the video below.

Akasha, the name of the hero from the DotA era, and now people call it QoP (Queen of Pain), got the Arcana and the comic book short with the appearance of Nevermore and Vrogros – aka Vrogros. Shadowfield and Underlord. But there are three more characters in the series. One of them is said to be Akasha’s brother, B’Kor.

The second and third new characters are demons named Knogh, who live and serve a person named Vanessa. In the manga, we see Knogh giving his powers to Akasha. That leads to the final painting with the Queen of Pain in the Arcana called Eminence of Ritsul.

Queen of Pain Arcana Eminence of Ritsul - Emergenceingame

As for this Arcana, TI10 Battle Pass owners need to reach level 445 to receive it. In addition, you can unlock the Royal Decree outfit when performing 1000 kills with Sonic Wave when using this Arcana. Players can find all information about this new Arcana here. Now, we only have to wait for Windranger Arcana to launch, requiring level 575 of the Battle Pass to unlock it.

Hero rumors are also running rampant, with B’Kor being the main target, but Vanessa and her demigod Knogh could also make an appearance. For now, we have to wait and see what Valve will reveal in the future.

Source link: Dota 2: Arcana Queen of Pain is out, incredibly beautiful

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