Do not clean the dust filter in the PC case often, to get dirty it filters better

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Do not clean the dust filter in the PC case too much, it “lost spirit”.

Usually anything that is cleaned regularly is fine, but the dust filters in the PC case are not. Those of you who clean too often are counterproductive. It sounds strange, but this is knowledge drawn from my actual experience. If you are interested, sit back and listen to me for a while.

Do not clean the dust filter in the PC case often, to get dirty it filters better

About what, I don’t dare to say, but the dust problems in the PC case, I consider it a bit experienced. My room has a big balcony facing the main street frontage, so I also have 2 fat “toppers”, so the dust and cat hair are immense.

I remember in the past I used a low-key case, I couldn’t install many fans, so I opened the case and pointed the fan in to keep it cool. So about every 2 weeks, the case will be covered with a layer of cat hair mixed with dust, looking tired. After about a few months like that, I decided to buy a good case, with a dust filter.

I really like that case, it’s both cool and has a lot of RGB so I clean the outside quite often. And every time I clean it, I also conveniently sweep the dust and cat hair on the filter. But after a few days, I realized a problem, that the dust filter layer of the case only prevents cat hair, the dust is a little less, but in general, it can still enter the case and cover the spirit. to sue. It is also true that the filter mesh is also about 1mm wide, so there is no way to prevent fine dust in the air.

Do not clean the dust filter in the PC case often, to get dirty it filters better

So I hate, I don’t want to clean often anymore. After going somewhere for 2 months, I opened the case glass to see. At this time, dust and cat hair have adhered to the dust filter in a thin layer, but the inside of the case is very clean. That made me “enlightened” one thing: The thin layer of dust on the dust filter itself is the best filter.

When the air with dust and cat hair passes through the filter, the cat’s hair will be trapped but most of the dust will pass through. However, over time, the layer of dust and cat hair is trapped on the dust filter more and more, forming a “natural filter”, much finer than the case’s filter. And it is this “natural filter” that will prevent most of the fine dust from entering the case, in short, “getting dust to treat dust”!

So since then, I don’t clean the filter too often anymore, I clean it every 2-3 months, but my components are clean for much longer. Even the last time I disassembled the machine to clean it was more than a year ago and I still find them clean and boring.

Do not clean the dust filter in the PC case often, to get dirty it filters better

However, you should also note that it is not good to let the dust filter layer be too thick. The first is that it will obstruct the flow of air, causing a decrease in heat dissipation performance. Second, it looks dirty. This is the reason why I still keep the cleaning regimen every 2-3 months.

The above is the knowledge that I have drawn in the process of experiencing the case with my dust filter. If you have a house that is dusty, “overhanging” or sheds hair like me, please take note.

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