Details of update Teamfight Tactics – TFT 11.23 season 6

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The Arena of Truth update 11.23 season 6 brings significant changes, bringing with it a new Double-Up Labs mode, nerfing Mercenary and Samira champions, and more. Here are the latest Teamfight Tactics – TFT 11.23 season 6 update details and full details.

The first update of Truth Arena season 6 was officially available, added new game modes, … . To learn for class Teamfight Tactics – TFT 11.23 season 6 updatereaders can refer to the following article of

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New changes in Teamfight Tactics – TFT season 6 update 11.23

Details of update Teamfight Tactics – TFT 11.23 season 6

1. New Double Up Game Mode

One of the most notable changes in the Teamfight Tactics – TFT 11.23 season 6 update must include the new Double Up game mode or the new Duels – Duel mode. In this new game mode, players can combine with another of their friends and participate in 2v2v2v2 matches.

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At certain stages in the game, players can send gold and items to their teammates. Also one of the interesting points of this Duel – Duel mode is that if you win, the surviving champions will jump to their teammates to support after a short delay.

2. System change

2.1. Upgrade Hextech Augment

Calculated Loss, Dominance and Junkyard are no longer options in the third Hextech inventory.

– Ardent Censer: transition from Gold to Silver.
– Lifelong Learning: moved from Gold to Silver and is no longer offered as a 3rd Augment option.
– Runic Shield: Nerf reduced from infinite to 8 seconds.
– Runic Shield: Shield ratio on all 3 levels increased from 250/375/500 to 300/450/600 AP.
– Share the Spotlight: Split reward increased from 75 to 100%.
– Titanic Force: Health threshold increased from 1,300 to 1,400. Maximum health percentage bonus for attack damage reduced from 4 to 3%.
– Woodland Charm: Switch from Gold to Prismatic. Copy Health increased from 1,200 to 1,500.
– Underdogs: Health regeneration per second increased from 10 to 12% of missing health.
– Built Different: Most Hearts, Souls, and Emblem Augments are no longer available after the player selects Built Different. Health adjusted from 300/450/600 to 300/400/500. Attack speed reduced from 50/65/80 to 50/60/70%.
– Binary Airdrop: Move from Silver to Gold.
– Sharpshooter: Explosion damage increased from 40 to 45%.
– Windfall: Augment now grants the correct amount of 20/25/30 gold.
– Training Dummy: Health reduced to 500.
– All for One: Percentage of allied health granted to Tyrant upon death reduced from 40 to 33%.

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2.2. Change item Portable Forge Ornn

– Death’s Defiance armor increased from 25 to 50.
– Manazane increased from 100 to 200 mana.
– Obsidian Cleaver armor and magic resistance increased from 40 to 70%.
– Randuin’s Sanctum armor and magic resistance increased from 40 to 50.
– Rocket Propelling Fist health increased from 200 to 750.
– Rocket Propelling Fist mana increased from 15 to 30.

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2.3. Effect of trait

Some changed Enforcer trait effects from being able to imprison champions that are immune to crowd control. Academy and Innovator are both nerfed while Mercenary gives less gold and Kraken spawns less often.

– Academy: First hit damage and ability power reduced from 20/40/60/80 to 18/35/50/70. Physical damage and ability power per cast adjusted from 3/5/10/15 to 3/5/8/12.
– Bodyguard: Heroes possessing the Bodyguard trait will receive a shield right after the game starts when taunt is activated. Shield amount is 100/300/600/1000.
– Colossus: Damage reduction increased from 25 to 30%.
– Enforcers: Champions with the Enforcer trait cannot imprison champions/units that are immune to crowd control and ignore champions banished by Zephyr.
– Imperial: Team bonus damage increased from 0/40 to 0/50%.
– Snipers: Heroes with the Sniper trait effect will gain 1 attack range. Sniper champions like Jhin, Caitlyn, Tristana, Miss Fortune and Kog’Maw have their range reduced by 1, making up for the buff effect.
– Bruiser: Bonus health adjusted from 125/250/400/700 to 125/225/350/700.
– Clockwork: Base attack speed increased from 10/25/50 to 10/30/55%.
– Mutants: Hyper-Adrenal Glands renamed Hyper Adrenaline. Cybernetic Enhancement bonus health increased from 400/800 to 450/900. Voracious Appetite damage and ability power reduced from 30/50 to 25/40.

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2.4. Mercenary (Mercenary)

– Chest / X: Gold reduced from 5 to 4.
– Sword / X: Gold reduced from 8 to 7.
– Kraken / Soldier: Loaded Dice plus 5 gold reduced to Loaded Dice plus 2 gold.
– Seven Mercenary: Item and 4 gold change only items. Neeko and 6 gold change to Neeko and 3 gold.

2.5. Innovator

Base health reduced from 650/1100/1900 to 475/750/1250.
– Base damage reduced from 50/75/100 to 40/50/65.
– Star level modifier increased from 15 to 25%.
– Hextech Dragon is now immune to crowd control effects. Electrifying Roar magic range increased to 5. Attack range decreased from 4 to 2 Hexes. Duration of fear reduced from 4 to 3. Magic damage of third attack reduced from 750 to 500. Electrifying Roar deals 50% increased damage to allies.

2.6. Change champions

Galio is buffed with the Colossus buff. Gangplank and Miss Fortune are both nerfed. Additionally, Yone’s attack speed is reduced.

General 1 gold

– Ezreal: Mystic Shot magic damage reduced from 30/60/90 to 25/50/100.
– Singed: Flaming spell to stun main target adjusted from 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 to 1.5 / 2./.3.
– Ziggs: Physical damage reduced from 45 to 50.
– Twisted Fate: Mana starting to be reduced from 30/40 to 0/40.
– Garen: Max mana reduced from 40/80 to 50/90.

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General 2 gold

– Katarina: Shunpo magic damage increased from 180/225/300 to 190/240/320.
– Kog’Maw: Physical damage increased from 30 to 35.
– Swain: Death’s Hand heal reduced from 200/250/325 to 200/230/300.
– Trundle: Chomp spell attack damage ratio reduced from 150 to 140 %.

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General 3 gold

– Cho’Gath: Max mana increased from 100/160 to 100/150.
– Gangplank: Health reduced from 800 to 750. Armor and magic resistance reduced from 45 to 40. Physical damage reduced from 80 to 75. Parrley’s base magic damage reduced from 125/150/200 to 110/135/170.
– Miss Fortune: Attack speed reduced from 0.75 to 0.7. Make it Rain magic damage reduced from 300/400/600 to 275/375/550.
– Samira: Physical damage reduced from 85 to 80. Flair spell duration reduced and attack damage ratio reduced from 175/180/90 to 165/170/180%. Magic armor adjusted from 10/20/40 to 10/15/20.
– Shaco: Magic damage ratio increased from 175 to 185%.

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General 4 gold

– Dr. Mundo: Zap Dose magic damage reduced from 100/150/300 to 80/125/300. Zap Dose magic damage health ratio reduced from 20/25/50 to 15/20/50 %. Zap Dose healing magic damage over time health ratio increased from 20/30/100 to 25/35/100%.
– Fiora: Blade Waltz casting delay has been slightly reduced.
– Urgot: Physical damage reduced from 75 to 70. Magic attack damage ratio reduced from 30 to 25%.
– Yone: Attack speed reduced from 0.85 to 0.8.

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General 5 gold

– Jayce: Melee bonus armor and magic resistance reduced from 50 to 40.
– Jinx: Attack speed reduced from 1.1 to 1.05.
– Tahm Kench: Devour magic damage reduced from 1000/1600/30000 to 900/1450/30000.
– Yumi: Health reduced from 850 to 800.
– Galio: Mana increased from 180/300 to 200/300. Colossal Entrance magic damage increased from 125/250/2000 to 150/250/2000.

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2.7. Fixed version

– Sharpshooter Twinshot Hextech Augment no longer active during sniper attacks.
– Clockwork Broken Stopwatch Hextech Augment will freeze champions that are immune to crowd control.
– Items such as Zeke’s Herald and Zephyr generated from the Binary Airdrop Hextech Augment will activate at the start of the match.
– Blitzcrank’s allies will re-target his Rocket Grab if they are within range of the target.
– Arcanist Runic Shield Hextech Augment does not provide shields to champions that are on the bench.
– Training Dummie will now no longer be displayed in the match end screen and match history.
– Gold Collector will not grant gold in PvE rounds. Tactics – TFT-11-23-65695n.aspx
Above has just introduced you to the details of the update Teamfight Tactics – TFT 11.23 season 6. The latest update of the Arena of Truth is now available, do not hesitate to update the latest game version and experience.

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