CSGO: Guide to the names of locations in the Mirage map

CSGO: Guide to the names of locations in the Mirage map

Knowing the names of the locations in the map is extremely important in CSGO if you really want to increase your team’s chances of winning. Below is a guide to the names of locations in the Mirage map, one of the popular CSGO maps used to compete. Knowing the name will help give accurate information to teammates to play more effectively.

Mirage is one of CSGO’s clearest maps. It has large bombsites and several ‘choke points’ (limited space) that T has to find a way through if he wants to break through CT’s defenses. But in return, the area in the middle of the map gives T many directions to attack both A and B.

ten goi vi tri map Mirage CSGO - Emergenceingame
The area below Balcony can be called Under balcony or Shadow

CT can target A and B, as well as mid from a distance. On the A side, there is a long view from the CT that makes it easy for the sniper to take down the opponent, or the CT can approach close for melee. Meanwhile, side B has two narrow corridors forcing T to push through.

Because the number of objects in the map is quite limited, players need to know the locations on the map. Most of them have familiar names similar to other CSGO maps such as catwalk, apartment, connector. In addition, Mirage also has many special locations that are easy to call, such as pillar and market, the name that anyone who reads can understand where it is.

However, some positions also have strange names. Take A as an example, we have a lot of crates on the bombsite, called firebox, triple and stack. Opposite of T Ramp, we have Tetris, sandwich and jungle, Balcony and Under balcony (or Shadow).

The important positions in B have pretty easy names. Bench, van, market, while “empty” refers to the empty corner of bombsite B. The most unfamiliar name is in the area from B to the catwalk, which is the E box on the left and GeT_RiGhT on the right.

Why is Mirage popular?

Mirage is popular in CSGO because it is effectively balanced between T and CT, suitable for all playstyles. If you want to practice AWP reflexes, you can choose a ticket and hold bombsite A, or rush window to block mid. Players who want to show off their new nade throw also have a variety of options to experiment with.

One reason for Mirage’s popularity is that the map has been around for a long time. Unlike Dust 2, since active duty was created, Mirage has not been replaced.

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Source link: CSGO: Guide to the names of locations in the Mirage map
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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