Continuity of tragedy revolving around the plot of Justina Gu and the horrifying truth about the title that Viper Ning is holding

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The plot of Justina Gu has officially been revealed.

The debut of the new general Co Thanh Han (Justina Gu) is making the Naraka: Bladepoint community stand still, especially after her magical skill set was revealed. It is known that Co Thanh Han will have the ability to surf up to 4 times if the combo is just right, not to mention the hegemony immunity.

Continuity of tragedy revolving around the plot of Justina Gu and the horrifying truth about the title that Viper Ning is holding

As usual, the character appearing in the focal video of Co Thanh Han is still Ninh Hong Da, showing the close relationship between these two girls. After many speculations, after crazy theories, now, the plot about Co Thanh Han as well as the real reason behind the hatred towards Ninh Hong Da has also been announced.

Continuity of tragedy revolving around the plot of Justina Gu and the horrifying truth about the title that Viper Ning is holding

Ninh Hong Da and Co Thanh Han always appear together in introductory videos

Twenty-four years ago, Gu Thanh Han’s mother, Gu Phi Tuyet, was originally destined to become the Xuan Nu Kunlun. However, the truth is that each generation of Huyen Nu will be devoured by Chuc Long and borrowed her reincarnated body.

Continuity of tragedy revolving around the plot of Justina Gu and the horrifying truth about the title that Viper Ning is holding

Co Thanh Han’s mother was originally destined to become the Xuan Nu Kunlun – like the current Ninh Hong Da

The Eight Princes of the Middle Earth Empire revealed this truth to her and took her away from Kunlun. Along the way, the Eight Princes express his love for her. Just as Gu Feixue innocently hesitated, they were separated by Kunlun’s pursuers and she fell into a mountain stream.

Continuity of tragedy revolving around the plot of Justina Gu and the horrifying truth about the title that Viper Ning is holding

Downstream of the stream, Gu Feixue was saved by another Prince, who went out looking for his eighth brother. The prince’s thoughtful care for Gu Feixue touched her heart. The two fell in love and returned to the capital, giving birth to two daughters, the eldest being Co Thanh Han.

Continuity of tragedy revolving around the plot of Justina Gu and the horrifying truth about the title that Viper Ning is holding

A few years later, when the Eight Princes returned to the capital, he discovered that the one he loved had become his sister-in-law. Already having ambitions to take the throne, the Eight Princes became even more jealous and organized a mutiny in the name of raising a female demon from Kunlun, burning down the Prince’s residence and eliminating his group. ta.

Continuity of tragedy revolving around the plot of Justina Gu and the horrifying truth about the title that Viper Ning is holding

After the mutiny, the Crown Prince disappeared and Co Phi Tuyet and Gu Thanh Han escaped from the fire. The two were then taken to sea by Cui Duc Huu, a naval commander of the Infinity Empire who was loyal to the Crown Prince. After many months at sea, Co Phi Tuyet and her daughter still have not received any news about the Crown Prince. In desperation, Cui Deyou sent the two of them to the Yue Lun Kingdom to hide.

Continuity of tragedy revolving around the plot of Justina Gu and the horrifying truth about the title that Viper Ning is holding

In order to provide her daughter with the ability to defend herself, Gu Feixue passed on Han Bing Zhen Qi and all her martial arts skills to Gu Qinghan.

Many years later, the Prince still has not been found. After the death of Cui Deyou, Gu Feixue also couldn’t wait any longer and returned to the Infinity Empire with his daughter to open an antique painting and calligraphy shop, but in fact to ask about her husband as well as her husband. his second daughter.

Continuity of tragedy revolving around the plot of Justina Gu and the horrifying truth about the title that Viper Ning is holding

Once at the Lantern Festival, Ninh Hong Da met Co Thanh Han. From the source of cold energy in Co Thanh Han’s body, Ninh Hong Da determined that the girl standing in front of her must have a close connection with the traitor she was looking for. Therefore, Ninh Hong Da hid his true identity and approached Co Thanh Han to find the traitor behind.

Continuity of tragedy revolving around the plot of Justina Gu and the horrifying truth about the title that Viper Ning is holding

Together through their unhappy teenage years and their flesh-and-blood bond led to a friendship between the two girls.

Finally, Ning Hong Da also met Gu Phi Tuyet, who betrayed Kunlun. Co Phi Tuyet also recognized Ning Hong Da through her current Xuan Nu Kunlun outfit. In despair, Gu Feixue, even though she had the advantage at one point, was still injured by Ning Hong Ye in the end. In order to save her daughter, Co Phi Tuyet confessed her long-hidden secret. Since then, Co Thanh Han also chased after Ninh Hong Da with a grudge against her mother.

Continuity of tragedy revolves around the plot of Justina Gu and the horrifying truth about the title that Viper Ning is holding

Later, Vo Tran, then an aide to the Eighth Prince, found Gu Thanh Han and revealed to her the news that the “Immortal Mask” would soon appear on the Gypsy, as well as some information about the Prince as well as his sister. To reunite with his father and sister, avenge his mother’s murder, and prevent Ning Hong Da from obtaining the Mask, Gu Cheng Han resolves to go to the island and retrieve it.

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