Broadcast wifi using Wi-Host on your computer

5828 - Emergenceingame
Broadcasting wifi with Wi-Host on your computer is to use Wifi transmitter software on your laptop and turn your computer into a free Wifi hotspot. Follow these steps according to to broadcast Wifi using Wi-Host on your computer.

Software like Connectify and Wi-Host are software that support wifi broadcasting from laptops. Use Wifi transmitter software Connectify You can turn your laptop into a Wifi hotspot for other devices to catch the signal.
wifi hotspot wi host

However, for Connectify, you can only use it for 15 or 30 days, then you have to buy a license to continue using it. As for Wi-Host, you can use this software for free and the ability to broadcast Wifi is also very stable.

You can also broadcast wifi without software very easily and effectively. How to broadcast wifi without software on Win 7 has quite high stability, both saving you costs and without installing any utilities on your computer. But to play Wifi on the best laptop, you should use Wi-Host software.

Instructions to broadcast wifi using Wi-Host on your computer

– Download Wi-Host to your computer: Download Wi-Host

Step 1: After downloading Wi-Host, extract the file. Select the operating system compatible with the computer, then right-click, select Run as administrator.

connect laptop wifi with wi host

Step 2: To check if Wi-Host is working on your computer. Click on Hosted Network Supported ?

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Step 3: Receiving this message means that your computer can broadcast Wifi.

wifi hotspot wi host

Step 4: Click Setup Hosted Network. Then select Setup New Hosted Network. Enter the Wifi address and password. Finally select Setup Network.

wifi hotspot wi host

Step 5: Notification Wifi has been installed successfully.

wifi hotspot wi host

Click Yes to accept this dialog box.

wifi hotspot wi host

Step 6: The next dialog box opens. Select Open Network Connections.

wifi hotspot wi host

Step 7: Check Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection in the network connection section.

wifi hotspot wi host

Above are detailed instructions on how to install and use the Wi-Host Wifi transmitter software. Please follow to turn your laptop into a Wifi hotspot.
If you just want to use Wifi alone, block strange devices from accessing Wifi causing network congestion, network lag, then immediately see who is catching wifi and stop them, refer to the article block Wifi users that we do before as well as change the wifi password regularly to make our wifi network more secure. Good luck with your reading!

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Source link: Broadcast wifi using Wi-Host on your computer

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