Arena of Valor: Top 5 generals with the most stable performance when entering season 22

Lien Quan Mobile: Top 5 generals with the most stable performance when entering season 22

No matter how much the game’s meta changes, these generals will still show great performance at Arena of Valor season 22.

Season 22 of the Arena of valor promises to bring extremely strong changes in the game’s meta. However, choosing a champion to rank up at the beginning of the season is always one of the concerns of the gaming community, when they do not know which champion to choose for the new meta.

In today’s post Lagvn will highlight champions with stable power regardless of the meta of Arena of Valor season 22 no matter how it changes


Not too many power changes in season 22, not to mention that in the new meta, Richter also doesn’t need to eat monsters on Ta Than street if he is solo, so he is more comfortable in moving, ganking and imposing gameplay in Mid. , invade the enemy’s jungle or protect the jungler can farm monsters more comfortably.

Lien Quan Mobile: Top 5 generals with the most stable performance when entering season 22

Richter is still a brand name in unleashing on squads with strong control, closing the main corner of the enemy. Richter’s gameplay also depends a lot on the player when he has to be observant in changing different sword forms to optimize the champion’s discomfort on the enemy.


This is a champion that is considered extremely versatile when he can go many different lanes but still maximize his strength thanks to his unique skill set.

Lien Quan Mobile: Top 5 generals with the most stable performance when entering season 22 2

Veres is famous for her ability to dash, deal damage to many different targets, and have incredible healing ability, thereby causing invisible pressure even though she has not yet ganked herself. With a strong champion in the early and mid game, it also partly helps Veres to make the opponent’s jungler difficult.


Although the Gunner has a strong buff in season 22, it cannot be difficult for Omen because of the stability of this general in Mobile Alliance.

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The key to Omen’s gameplay is to use the right moves to reduce the damage received, thereby not bothering the ADC champions who are very strong in season 22. In general, Omen is an Assistant. still very strong in both ranked matches and professional tournaments.


Roxie’s overwhelming power was shown in season 21 and there is no reason why she became inferior in season 22. Although her appearance has been slightly modified, Roxie’s strength remains the same, with her ability to harass extremely well as an Assistant.

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Roxie’s strength is its buff, good resistance, and extremely strong recovery. Not to mention her ultimate move can pull the entire enemy team back for the whole team to attack in a very simple way.


Tachi’s strength is still considered stable by gamers, not to mention he also benefits from the power buff for the Ax that turns Taichi into an extremely powerful Jungler.

Despite going through a nerf, Tachi still shows his pressure on the opponent as an Assistant, with good resistance, a stable amount of recovery, and the ability to corner enemies extremely well. .

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Not to mention Tachi can also cause brand standard damage that no Assistant general can have, so Tachi is always one of the names that gamers are looking for in ratings as well as tournaments. professional.

Source link: Arena of Valor: Top 5 generals with the most stable performance when entering season 22

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