Appears a robot that can implant chips in the human brain

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Neuralink is currently testing the technology on animals. Target by the end of the year, they will be used on humans for the first time.

Recently, the company Neuralink of famous technology billionaire Elon Musk has released the latest videos related to robots specializing in handling small electrical wires. This is an important process in the study of merging the human brain and AI (artificial intelligence).

Appears a robot that can implant chips in the human brain

With the desire to accelerate research, Elon Musk is investing heavily in Neuralink. The company’s goal is to be able to test it on humans as soon as the end of 2021.

At the heart of this research is trying to develop a small coin-sized chip that can be implanted in the human brain. This chip is made of microscopic mesh fibers with electrodes attached to detect neurons. These mesh fibers will then be inserted into the human brain via a super mini robot.

When active, electrodes in the mesh fibers will receive information from the brain and transfer it to a small chip placed behind the ear. This chip continues to connect to another wearable device. This device can be configured through a smartphone app.

In order to make chips into the human brain, Neuralink is developing robots with absolute precision. “A Link chip consists of about 1024 microscopic electrode fibers. With the requirement of absolute precision on microscopic materials, it is almost impossible for humans to handle. That can only be the task of the robots. Their mission is to knit this chip into the human brain to simulate neurons.”Neuralink engineer said.

Appears a robot that can implant chips in the human brain

In recent times, Elon Musk has repeatedly mentioned Neuralink in his statements on social networks. This technology billionaire believes this will be an important project that can create a turning point to change humanity in the future.

Currently, Neuralink is currently testing this technology on animals. Target by the end of the year, they will be used on humans for the first time.

Source link: Appears a robot that can implant chips in the human brain

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