Apex Legends: The hitbox size of all Legends, Wraith is the hardest to hit in the game

Hitbox Apex Legends

After it was discovered that Pathfinder’s hitboxes didn’t really match the character models, all of the Legends were re-sized.

In the YouTuber video “SookieSpy” analyzed the hitboxes of current Legends in square centimeters.

Although the remaining characters do not suffer as much as Pathfinder, there is still a difference when shooting Legends.

So who is the most difficult character to hit? Wraith! At only 33 square centimeters, Wraith is about 12% smaller than the next Legend, Lifeline. The easiest character to hit is the massive Legend, Gibraltar. Gibraltar has an area of ​​​​79 square centimeters, 140% larger than Wraith.

You can find out the exact size from the video above.

  • Lifeline: 37 square centimeters. (12 % bigger than Wraith)
  • Bloodhound: 37 square centimeters. (12 % bigger than Wraith)
  • Mirage: 44 square centimeters. (33 % bigger than Wraith)
  • Bangalore: 44 square centimeters. (33 % bigger than Wraith)
  • Pathfinder: 63 square centimeters. (90% bigger than Wraith)
  • Caustic: 68 square centimeters. (105% bigger than Wraith)
  • Gibraltar: 79 square centimeters. (140% bigger than Wraith)
apex legends hitbox differences - Emergenceingame
Photo: SookieSpy

Respawn has confirmed they are aware of this and are working on a fix for Pathfinder’s hitbox. However, at the moment we still do not know if the hitbox of the characters will be adjusted in the future or not.

According to VPesports

Apex Legends: The best tips you may not know

Source link: Apex Legends: The hitbox size of all Legends, Wraith is the hardest to hit in the game
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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