Apex Legends: Stay away from these 5 landing spots in World’s Edge map

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The new Map World’s Edge in Apex Legends Season 3: Meltdown brings many new landing options for players. This article summarizes 5 positions you should AVOID landing at the beginning of the game.

The launch of the World’s Edge map at the beginning of Season 3 really brought a new breath to the world of Apex Legends.

The new map is almost twice the size of Kings Canyon, the map used in Seasons 1 and 2. World’s Edge has 15 prominent landmarks with their own advantages and disadvantages.

While many locations can be great landing spots at first, some should be avoided, as they often carry too much risk with little to no benefit.


capitol city apex legends - Emergenceingame

Capitol City can be a popular landing spot in World’s Edge, partly due to its size and central location on the map. However, that is also the reason you should avoid this area.

Loot quality is usually average, while there are too many teams jumping down. Therefore, the chances of finding a high loot tier and escaping this area for the whole network are quite low.

If you like urban areas, then Skyhook is probably more suitable, but it is still better to land on Epicenter.

Epicenter isn’t as large and crowded, the chances of finding good loot are higher, and you can always take advantage of this location to deal with teams trying to escape from Capitol City.


Thermal station apex legends - Emergenceingame

Although not a central location, Thermal Station is still extremely popular. Partly because it has a lot of loot and high quality.

However, do not hesitate to land here, because Thermal Station is one of the hot spots of the map. Not to mention, this is a very difficult place to pass due to the terrain as well as the many teams guarding every corner.

The closest location to Thermal Station, easier to land than Train Station. Although not many people responded, there was quite good loot, and it was covered by cliffs and closer to the center of the map.


the tree apex legends - Emergenceingame

Located next to Thermal Station, The Tree is another area you should avoid landing on, but for the exact opposite reason. It is one of the least picked spots on the map, which is due to The Tree’s lack of loot – in terms of quantity and quality.

And if unlucky, when one or two other teams also land, surely The Tree will not have enough loot for all. There is a high chance that you and your teammates will not be fully equipped.

Not to mention, it’s in the lower right corner of the map, so if the circle starts in the north, it will take you a long time to get there.


drill site apex legends - Emergenceingame

Like The Tree, the Drill Site simply doesn’t have enough loot, especially the high tier loot, so it’s not worth your early game landing.

In fact, it’s worse than The Tree, since there are three areas around it that are more worthwhile. Lava Fissure, The Train Yard, and Skyhook all make more sense: they all have better loot and more. Starting at the Drill Site puts you at a disadvantage early game.

Obviously, since this is the quietest of the four areas in the upper left corner of the map, it will be difficult for you to be fully equipped to have an advantage against the teams that land in the other three locations.


Sorting Factory - Emergenceingame

The Sorting Factory can rival Capitol City for the title of World’s Edge’s most popular landing spot, and for those reasons you shouldn’t be aiming for this area.

It’s extremely large, which means it takes time for players to move around, and there are a lot of teams here.

One point that Sorting Factory is better than Capitol City is that there is a lot of loot, high loot tier. But this will also be a double-edged sword, because the other teams that land will be just as strong as you.

In short, is it better than Capitol City? Yes. But is it worth the jump? Not really, especially since Lava City and the nearby Fuel Depot both have enough loot, but not as dangerous.

Apex Legends Worlds Edge - Emergenceingame

Above are the 5 worst places to land on World’s Edge map in Apex Legends Season 3.

One point to note is that this list depends on each player’s playing skills. That is, if you are good or like to eat lives, you may want to land in some of the above locations, because of your confidence in your abilities.

However, if you’re not a big-handed Apex player, you’ll probably want to have less encounters with enemies, so you have time to gear up for yourself. If so, then the above are the places you should avoid.

According to Dexerto

Source link: Apex Legends: Stay away from these 5 landing spots in World’s Edge map
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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