Apex Legends: Hunting for the $500 . Knife

Apex Legends: Hunting for the $500 . Knife

You can spend a lot of money to open loot boxes, but you definitely won’t know what you will get when you do it.

Apex Legends, the current hot battle royale game, has a loot box system that unlocks accessories to decorate your favorite character. Of the game’s loot boxes, Heirloom is the rarest item and so far, Wraith’s knife is the only one discovered by the community.

By the way, let’s learn about Apex Legends’ loot box system:

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The Heirloom Set is an extremely rare loot box for Wraith: it includes a banner pose, a unique voice line, and more specifically Wraith’s melee weapon, which allows her to wield her Japanese dagger. This article will find out how much money you need to spend to open this knife. This is useful information for fans of the game.

In addition, we will also find out what happens when you collect all the items in the game. According to Overwatch, you won’t get the exact same item back until you own enough items of that rarity. Going forward, any copies you get will immediately turn into virtual currency in the game. What about Apex loot boxes, when we already have enough Common and Rare items? Will the loot box turn into a paradise of Epic and Legendary items after that?

Unfortunately, the answer is no. But we can see what happens when you collect all the low tier items.

Last question: how much crafting metal do you get from loot boxes and is it really possible to use them to craft Legendary?

According to initial research, the answer to the last question is not very positive; The author doesn’t have enough crafting metal to craft a Legendary skin after opening 100 loot boxes. However, from the above testing, we have some good news about Apex Legends’ loot box system. Or at least good news for those who spend a lot of money on games.

The data we have comes from two YouTube videos. One is Benjamin “DrLupo” Lupo, a popular streamer who often plays Fortnite, who opened 500 Apex Legends loot boxes. The second video is Gaming Curious, opening 1,000 Apex Legends loot boxes.

Note that this data is not enough for us to draw accurate conclusions, as this system has not been revealed by Respawn.

Dagger $500

According to Apex Legends’ official Q&A page about loot, we have the following information:

“When a player opens an Apex Pack, the chance of dropping a Heirloom Set is less than 1%”, and “a player cannot open more than 500 Apex Packs without getting a Heirloom set.”

The system that ensures players will receive an item that rarely opens enough loot boxes is called a “pity timer” (roughly translated as ‘pity countdown timer’). If you open a certain number of boxes, the company guarantees that you will receive the item.

But “the chance of dropping Heirloom Set is less than 1%” can be understood: it will happen in every hundred boxes, or every thousand chests, or maybe every million. We don’t know exactly what less than 1% of the Heirloom Set is.

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But a lot of people have opened a lot of loot boxes at the moment, and according to what the community has learned, the probability of getting the Heirloom set is actually much lower than 1%.

If the probability of getting a Heirloom from a random loot box is less than 1 in 500, the best chance of getting a loot box is when you get 500 loot boxes from the pity timer system. Most people find them after opening hundreds of packs, and many online say they only get this dagger when they reach the “pity timer” 500.

“Conclusion: I spent $500 to open 500 Apex Crates to find Wraith Heirloom,” one player said. “I got them on the 500th crate. Don’t be like me.”

DrLupo obtained Heirloom after opening crate 430 in his 500 packs, and Gaming Curios obtained it after opening 334 packs. But neither of these videos start from a brand new account. DrLupo had 340 crafting metal at the time and Gaming Curios had over 2,000 – almost double the 100 opened loot boxes.

So why is this important?

Both of them have quite a bit of crating metal, which means they opened some loot boxes before the video, and those opened loot boxes also count towards Heirloom’s pity timer. Both of them definitely opened close to 500 chests to get the knife, and the chances are high that they both got them through the pity timer system.

The article wants to focus on this detail because some gamers can read the official Respawn information “under 1%” and assume they have a chance to get the knife if they open 100 boxes. But this doesn’t seem right.

Some discussions even speculate that the probability of getting the knife is 1 in 500. This leads many people to think that spending $50 has a 1 in 10 chance of opening the knife. This way of thinking can make you ‘hump’; Since we don’t know how effective the Heirloom box is and there’s really reason to believe that the 500-pack pity timer is probably the best way to open it.

If the Heirloom set is really important to you, consider carefully before investing your money. Be prepared to spend $400 or more, and maybe as much as $500, to unlock Wraith’s dagger. Good luck.

For most gamers with a small budget, the Heirloom set is really a decoy if you don’t understand much about probability.


Apex Legends promises that you won’t get duplicates in your loot boxes, but most of the game’s items are either Common or Rare. Each character has dozens of voice lines and stat trackers, and each gun has dozens of boring skins no one wants to use. But if you collect all of them (after spending a lot of money) with the goal of having Common/Rare no longer appear in your loot boxes.

So what will replace the low level items in your loot box when collecting all the Common items? The answer is crafting metal.

Above is a video of opening 100 lot boxes from a new account, and you will notice that it is mainly Common and Rare items received, sometimes crafting metal. Gaming Curious, on the other hand, collected all the Common, Rare and Epic items after opening 1,000 loot boxes. At the end of the video, most of the Apex Packs that open are filled with crafting metal.

Seems like the crafting metal drop rate increases the more crates you open, before I’ve collected all the Common and Rares. DrLupo gets a lot of crafting metal after opening about 350 crates, though he still occasionally gets Common and Rare items.

Chances are that when a copy of an item appears, the game will give you crafting metal instead.

But don’t be too dissapointed about this! There is still a good side to spending a lot of money on Apex Legends.


It would be great if the game gave people who spend a lot of money Legendary packs so they can unlock them all quickly after putting enough money into the game, collecting all the Common and Rare items. And it would also be great if the game didn’t have too many Common and Rare ‘failures’.

However, after the criticism about loot boxes in Apex Legends from this article, Apex Legends’ system is better than Overwatch’s.

We often take Overwatch’s loot system as a benchmark for similar games. Apex’s loot is worse than Overwatch in some ways, but the game’s crafting metal is very good.

Overwatch gives you copies of the items you own, and they instantly turn into credits. You get 5 credits for Common, 15 for Rare, 50 for Epic and 200 for Legendary.

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You also get a credit box: Rare Chests contain 50 credits, Epic crates hold 150 or 200 credits, and Legendary crates hold 500. Legendary skins in Overwatch usually cost 1,000 credits, sometimes as much as 3,000.

Crafting metal can drop depending on rarity, and you don’t know exactly which crafting metal drops from loot or which crafting metal changes from duplicate items. You get 15 for Common, 30 for Rare, 200 for Epic and 600 for Legendary. A Legendary item costs 1,200 metal.

You will receive 60 metal in all if your Apex account has unlocked all Common and Rare, meaning a loot box will have crafting metal dropped from two Common and one Rare. Overwatch gives you 75 credits from loot boxes when opening 2 matching Common, 1 matching Rare and 1 matching Epic. And Apex will give you up to 260 metal with the same amount as above.


Apex Legends’ Heirloom Set is a trap to lure you into spending more money in the game. Have at least $400 ready if you’re looking to own this set, but more importantly, don’t do it, no matter how much money you have. The loot box system will usually improve over time, and you can probably save a lot of money if you wait a few more months.

But if you decide to spend hundreds of dollars on the Apex Legends crate, you will get more virtual money in the game than similar games like Overwatch and Destiny.

Final advice: Wait until the game has new events or season passes.

According to polygon

Source link: Apex Legends: Hunting for the $500 . Knife
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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