Apex Legends: How to know when Wraith’s portal disappears?

cổng dịch chuyển Wraith

The article will show you an extremely useful trick to know when Wraith’s Dimensional Rift (teleport portal) expires.

Wraith’s Ultimate is seen as a fast move, but many Wraith players have creatively used it to get in and out of fights to their advantage. However, if you use the Dimensional Rift in combat, you need to know when it will disappear, so as not to be “spoiled” and die indiscriminately.

The Dimensional Rift lasts 60 seconds after being placed down. However, remembering exactly when it ran out during combat is really difficult, and there’s no direct way to know when the portal closes.

- Emergenceingame

However, if you keep an eye on your ultimate percentage, you can somewhat tell how much longer the portal will close. The percentage of Ultimate Regen has a steady speed, and in Wraith’s case the Dimensional Rift will expire when her Ultimate hits 39%.

However, if you equip the yellow hat, this number is slightly different. Gold items have special effects, add stats to the bearer, and in the case of the yellow hat, reduce the cooldown of abilities and ultimates.

That means your ultimate will heal about 20% faster. So, when the Dimensional Rift runs out, your ultimate has reached about 48% (if wearing a yellow hat).

Similarly, if you use Ultimate Accelerant while the portal is open, you need to add a 20% bonus every time you use Ultimate Accelerant.

According to Dexerto

Source link: Apex Legends: How to know when Wraith’s portal disappears?
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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