Apex Legends: Guide to reloading faster

Apex Legends: Guide to reloading faster

You will run out of ammo many times in the game. Maybe it’s because the opponent has too much armor, or you can’t upgrade the magazine, or simply don’t shoot well. In general, there is a high chance that you cannot finish off the enemy with just one magazine.

In this case, you will probably switch to a second weapon, but if you still can’t find an extra gun or it’s not suitable for the current situation, you are forced to waste a few precious seconds reloading.

However, in Apex Legends there is a way to increase the reload speed, giving you an advantage between life and death.

If there is at least one bullet in the magazine when reloading, instead of the full reload effect, the character will reload faster, skipping the last step – the reload step for the gun.

However, it is quite difficult to keep an eye on early reloads while shooting each other, but with practice, this can save your life.

While it will only save you a bit of time, this extra time will give you the extra bullets you need to finish off your opponent.

This trick can be applied to most of the guns in the game, except for the Wingman and the newly added Havoc.

Currently, the character also changes weapons faster than the default reload speed (when the ammo is empty in the magazine). So in case the gun runs out of ammunition, change to the second one if you want to save time.

However, Respawn said this trick was not expected and will be fixed soon in the near future.

Apex Legends: The best tips you may not know

Source link: Apex Legends: Guide to reloading faster
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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